TAGIdomains.com press release

11 Mar 2003

TAGI domains.com (Member of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization) is proud to announce that it has successfully passed the technical test with VeriSign and PIR.

This is a major step for TAGIdomains.com to become fully operational and to provide .com, .net, and .org domain names. Interested people can register their domain names soon through TAGIdomains.com. Anyone who wishes to establish a website should, first, register the required domain name to point to his website.

TAGIdomains.com, an ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names & Numbers) accredited registrar, will provide generic Top-Level Domain (gTLD) registration services under all levels; .com (commercial), .net (Internet activities), .org (non-for-profit organizations), .info (informative sites), .biz (business sites), and .name (for individuals).

Only ICANN accredited registrars are allowed to sell Internet domain names, and this is to organize and to ensure quality services are provided. TAGIdomains.com has been successfully accredited by ICANN.

For more information, please do not hesitate to contact TAGIdomains.com at domain.names@tagi.com.