Abu-Ghazaleh: Our participation in the EU’s ‘Erasmus+’ program in Germany to keep pace with latest knowledge advancements

09 Nov 2019

BONN, Germany – Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Global (TAG.Global) and the Arab Society for Intellectual Property (ASIP), chaired by HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, participated in the training course and workshop held in Germany entitled ‘Building Innovation Infrastructure via Technology Transfer Offices (TTO)’ conducted by BITTCOIN-JO, a project funded by the European Union’s Erasmus+ Program.

The aim of holding the event was to create a Jordanian Technology Transfer Office Model that could be replicated across Jordanian universities.

Talal Abu-Ghazaleh for Technologies, a member of TAG.Global, the Arab Intellectual Property Mediation and Arbitration Society (AIPMAS) and the Licensing Executives Society - Arab Countries (LES-AC) are partners in implementing the project among other universities and institutions from the Middle East and Europe including the Yarmouk University, University of Petra, Higher Council for Science and Technology, Al-Hussein Technical University, University of Castilla–La Mancha among others.

Moreover, Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Information Technology International (TAGITI), a member of TAG.Global, was involved in the project; as it developed the website and Portal as well as designing its publications not to mention the launch of a media campaign through social networks administered by TAGITI.

Meanwhile, LES-AC will conduct training workshops to enhance understanding of polices related to intellectual property rights that are associated with contracts targeting universities to gain the knowledge needed to manage and operate Technology Transfer Office, and to assist in establishing polices and rules in Jordan.

Concerning AIPMAS, the Society will hold workshops and training courses on technology transfer in Jordan with experts who previously worked on similar projects to build on. 

During the workshop held in BONN, the participants reviewed Bonn Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences’ experience in establishing a TTO, in addition, they got training on the process of establishing such an office, market research results, establishing startups, and introducing the attendees to the concept of patent and its development.  

It is worth mentioning that the BITTCOIN-JO project aims at building and improving capacities of the higher education in Jordan in the field of commercializing scientific research and studies conducted by students and entrepreneurs to a technology commercially licensed in the form of startups or products that could be doable in developing knowledge.