Abu-Ghazaleh Chairs the Annual Meeting of the Arab International Society for Management Technology (AIMICT)
16 May 2019 AMMAN - The Arab International Society for Management Technology (AIMICT) held its annual meetings under the chairmanship of its President HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, with its members in attendance.The attendees discussed and approved the annual report of the Society’s administrative board for the year ending on 31/12/2018. They also discussed the final financial statements, reviewed and approved the Society’s general budget for the year 2019, and elected an auditor for the year 2019.
Activities and achievements of the Society during 2018 were also reviewed and discussed with special focus on the specialized training programs and the wide array of events which were organized last year, as well as strengthening cooperation frameworks with various institutions with the aim to meet requirements of the local, regional and global community in the area of quality and knowledge management.
Meanwhile, President of the Society, Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh, approved a number of decisions that would further develop the Society and expand its services, underlining the need to intensify efforts through global partnerships to offer internationally recognized professional certificates and programs.
Furthermore, Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh highlighted the importance of the Society and the worldwide recognition it has achieved for significance of knowledge and its role, calling for expanding its scope of work in the Arab countries and initiating a new path for education and professional exams, particularly e-exams so that AIMICT will be the leader in this domain.
In his capacity as Chairman and Founder of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Global (TAG.Global), Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh called for utilizing the latest technologies and expertise available at TAG.Global, the largest global group of professional service firms operating through more than 110 offices all over the world.
Regarding professional and training programs, Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh stressed the need to develop a detailed manual outlining all the Society programs to make it easier for participants to participate in such programs.
Society Director Ms. Majd Farahat, reviewed the 2018 annual report, which describes activities carried out during the year, building on previous achievements, with the aim of capacity building in the areas of Information Technology and Knowledge Management in all fields, as a mechanism to place the Society at the top of international professional organizations and institutions working in this field, while at the same time seeking to realize the objectives for which it was established.
The Arab International Society for Management Technology
The Arab International Society for Management Technology (AIMICT) was established as a non-profit organization in 1989, in Buffalo-New York City, in the United States of America, and it was officially registered in Amman in 1990 under the name of "Arab Management Society”. Managers and businessmen have realized the importance and consequences of their role in serving business communities in their countries and thus the idea of establishing such a society emerged into existence. In 2015, the name of the organization was amended into "The Arab International Society for Management Technology" (AIMICT), to keep pace with modern global technological developments in various sectors and to help establish and create a knowledge-based management.