Dubai Chamber of Commerce and Industry Honors Abu-Ghazaleh Intellectual Property

27 Mar 2018

DUBAI - In recognition of its valuable expertise and technical support provided to the Dubai Chamber of Commerce and Industry in 2017, Abu-Ghazaleh Intellectual Property (AGIP) was honored by the Chamber in a special ceremony held at the Chamber’s headquarters.

AGIP was recognized for its significant role in safeguarding Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) and providing the necessary technical advice for promoting awareness on the importance of IPR protection and encouraging the adoption of  best IP practice.

Mr. Mohannad Barbarawi, Head of Marketing at AGIP UAE Office, received the award on behalf of AGIP saying: “We are proud to be recognized by Dubai Chamber of Commerce and Industry. It demonstrates our commitment to work in cooperation with governmental organizations to improve the climate for Intellectual Property protection.”

It is worth noting that Abu-Ghazaleh Intellectual Property (AGIP) was recognized in the first edition of the Innovation & IP Forum and Awards as winner of  'Best IP Advisor in Africa & Middle East' in a special ceremony which was held in Paris, France.