Abu-Ghazaleh Inaugurates Knowledge Centers at Al-Karak Military Officers Club and Moab Municipality

04 Dec 2017

MOAB, Al-Karak – HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh inaugurated the opening of two knowledge centers; one at Al-Karak governorate Officers and Senior Military Retired Officers Club; the other at the Moab Municipality, as part of his plan to disseminate knowledge centers throughout the Kingdom within the CSR strategy conducted by Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization (TAG-Org).

During the inauguration of the knowledge center at the Officers Club, Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh said: “It’s my honor to be granted this opportunity to be among all of you who contributed to the prevalence of peace, security and stability of our beloved country with your determination and efforts and with the wisdom of His Majesty King Abdullah II Ibn Al Hussein.”

Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh affirmed that those with such expertise and efficiency are deserving of the title “Senior Military” and called for the formation of a committee composed of all stakeholders to address ways to develop their valuable expertise in order for other fields to be able to benefit from their expertise.

He noted that in the Knowledge Age, physical mobility is not necessary as many tasks can be carried out electronically, and stressed that TAG-Org is honored at cooperating with the “Senior Military Corporation” in setting a long-term plan that makes use of its members’ experiences and capabilities.

Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh also pointed out that TAG-Org’s activities in support of the people is part of its national duty and Corporate Social Responsibility, adding that cooperation with such an institution is just the beginning for future cooperation in various fields.

For his part, retired Maj. Gen. Ahmad Ayed Al Ajarmeh, head of the Economic and Social Association of Retired Servicemen and Veterans, extended his gratitude to Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh for this gesture and his support, affirming that it falls within the Association’s policies and in compliance with the instructions of HM King Abdullah II ibn Al Hussein in providing qualifications to retired military people in various domains.

He also added that the Association is currently working on providing training and qualifications in different areas including data entry, maintenance, graphic design, project management and protection from electronic crimes among others.

Meanwhile, retired brigadier general Ismail Al Habashneh, head of the Al-Karak Officers and Senior Military Retired Officers Club stated “We are constantly endeavoring to develop the expertise and skills of our members by providing them with quality services fulfilling the vision of HM King Abdullah II in developing knowledge capacity of all individuals and improving their skills by offering them the required knowledge and training in accordance with the latest developments globally,” noting that the knowledge center provided by Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh will contribute in achieving such a goal which is compatible with Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh’s distinguished role as a regular and consistent provider of CSR support activities, and as a solid thinker who seeks to offer all required support.

At the gathering, poet Basam Al-Bayaydeh delivered a poem in the name of retired military personnel entitled “Sayyed Al Rejal” which translates into “Master of Men”, and honorary shields were exchanged. Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh was presented with a portrait of Al-Karak Castle by the representative of the Association.

During his visit, Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh opened the knowledge center at Moab Youth Center affiliate of Moab Municipality in the presence of a Member of the Lower House Deputy Maddallah Al-Tarawneh, Mayor of Moab Governorate Engineer Hamzeh Al Tarawneh, as well as dignitaries and sheikhs of Al-Tarawneh tribe.

In response to various suggestions from representatives of the region, Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh pledged a cooperation agreement with the Municipality in all fields including training and in particular, qualifications  in knowledge economy, education, tourism, English language, digital knowledge for eradicating digital illiteracy as well as networking with all donors and funding entities to establish small and medium-sized projects to serve the youth in the region.

Deputy Maddallah Al-Tarawneh extended his gratitude to Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh for his much needed initiative in the region, and commended him for his efforts and initiatives for his services to the community.

In addition, Mayor of the Municipality thanked Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh for his support to the Municipality expressing honor and satisfaction for the cooperation between Talal Abu-Ghazaleh International Organization and the Moab Municipality.