Tax Committee" Tackles Means of Reducing Tax Evasion at Abu Ghazaleh Knowledge Forum

28 Nov 2017

AMMAN - Income and Sales Tax Committee held its first meeting at Talal Abu Ghazaleh Knowledge Forum to discuss tax issues and methods for reducing incidents of tax evasion in Jordan.

The committee members, chaired by Dr. Dina Al Saadi, tax auditor in Income and Sales Tax Department- Major Clients Department, emphasized the importance of tax revenue as a major resource for Jordan's treasury and stated that the issue of tax evasion should be tallied into the economic reform program of all tax administrations in the country.

They agreed that the recommendations should be enforceable on the ground, and that official and non-official agencies, each within its jurisdiction, should dedicate high attention to the issue of reducing tax evasion.

Furthermore, they pointed out that the committee members should place the issue of tax evasion high on their work agenda and aim to reduce tax evasion by increasing tax compliance, raising tax awareness among all sectors of society through better voluntary commitment and instilling a sense of responsibility towards the homeland as well as raising public awareness about  the importance of paying obligatory taxes in generating revenue for the provision of  public services.

They concluded by emphasizing that the issue of tax evasion has attracted the attention of government officials as well as His Majesty King Abdullah II Ibn Al Hussein who stressed the necessity of imposing stricter penalties on incidents of tax evasion along with enforcement of the articles on crimes and penalties provided for in the Taxes Law.

Talal Abu Ghazaleh Knowledge Forum is a non-profit organization funded by Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Foundation. It is one of the community service models and its members are Jordanian citizens enjoying expertise and competence in their sectors and who have voluntarily dedicated their time, knowledge and effort to serve our homeland.