Abu-Ghazaleh Patronizes Jubilee School’s 14th Arab Youth Competition for Electronic Design
01 Jun 2017 AMMAN – For the eighth year in a row, HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh patronized the results announcement ceremony of the 14th Arab Youth Competition for Creative Electronic Design held by the Jubilee School which also included the inauguration of ‘Jubitech 14’ ICT Exhibition.In his key address, Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh expressed his pride of and respect for the Jubilee School for its belief that the future is for knowledge creativity and invention. He also stressed that we will have no future but through knowledge creation.
Dr. abu Ghazaleh described the school as a leadership factory that was created for this purpose as well as for building the future of the country through entrepreneurship, innovation and creativity, noting that creativity and future are interconnected with the creation of knowledge.
Regarding his expectations of the future of our world, Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh said that the world is changing in a pace that exceeds expectations, and the ‘artificial intelligence will change everything and that will drive us to become innovative and creative without limitations or barriers.
In her statement Jubilee school Principal Ms. Suha Jou’neh welcomed Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh and thanked him for his patronage of the event. She also pointed out that this year’s entries included international participation from the United States, India and Nepal in addition to participants from Qatar as well as applicants from 17 local and UNRWA schools.
Jou’neh added, “The School believes that knowledge is made available to all and our mission is to create leading students who can make their contributions in encountering future challenges and seizing the opportunities for creativity and innovation by using knowledge tools.”
On his part, Head of the Competition jury Mr. Bassam Al Shayeb said that the Competition reveals on an annual basis the great talents of the young creators and innovators and it also highlights their excellence.
Winners were announced in the various categories of the competition which included photography, strategic planning, marketing, poster design and Android apps.
At the end of the ceremony, the Patron and the School Principal distributed the awards to the winners. Members of the jury which consisted of representatives of public and private sectors chaired by Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization were also awarded.
Ms. Jou’neh presented an honorary shield to Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh.
On the sidelines of the ceremony, Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh inaugurated Jubitech 14 Exhibition which honors and encourages student innovators in the field of Information and Communications Technology (ICT).
The Exhibition comes in line with the philosophy of the Jubilee School in driving the energies of the students towards creativity and innovation in the field of ICT.
The annual event exhibits the creations of the outstanding students in the fields of web design, graphic design, film production, electronics, robot programming, database and other skills.