Abu-Ghazaleh Holds Specialized Training Workshop on Adobe Photoshop in Oman
17 Jan 2017
MUSCAT – The Arab Omani Institute for Administrative Training (AOIAT), a member of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization (TAG-Org), held a specialized training course in cooperation with the TAG-Org’s Design Department on the uses of Adobe Photoshop program, level I.
The course aimed at introducing the participants to all Program’s aspects including Tools and functions, Photo Adjustments, Color tones, Brightness, contrast, layers, shadows and how to modify sizes.
The course was held delivered by Mr. Mohannad Al-Sheikh from TAG-Org Design Department to participants from the Oman Ministry of Defense.
AOIAT Executive Director Mr. Majdi Al Abiad stated that the Institute aims at achieving advanced quality levels of its training programs by selecting the best and up-to-date programs which comes in conformity with the vision of the Institute’s Chairman HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh in offering an integrated series of high quality professional and educational services according to the international standards and in contributing to the development of human capacities.
The course also highlighted other issues relating to Photoshop mainly Effects and filters, Edit and merge photos, Photo healing and Quality assurance procedures in addition to preparatory steps to save and print files to be used in latest communication technologies.
Established in 1994, the Arab Omani Institute for Administrative Training is an Omani national organization, member of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization. It aims at building capacities by organizing and holding training courses, workshops and seminars, in addition to conferences relating to financial, administrative, industrial, banking, commercial, legal fields as well as other areas of expertise in taxation, Information Technology, e-learning, Intellectual Property rights and other relating topics mainly trademarks, patents, e-commerce, technology transfer.