Abu-Ghazaleh donates to the Palestine Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research for the international high-speed linkage for research and education
27 Dec 2016 Amman - HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh has provided a donation to support the implementation international high-speed linkage to connect the Palestinian universities and educational institutions with the Arab, European, and American research and education networks in the framework of the EUMEDCONNECT3 project, funded by the European Commission and managed by GEANT Association.
The international link will soon be procured for a capacity of 155 Mbps from Palestine to ASREN’s PoP in London to facilitate communication and access to variety of educational and research resources available on the European, American and global research and educational networks.
This donation was made upon receiving the Palestinian Minister of Education Dr. Sabri Saydam, where HE confirmed providing all the project requirements including all financial, technical and technological support to complete the establishment of the dedicated international link for research and education.
HE Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh pointed out the importance of research and education networks at the national, regional and global level, as they allow access to research and computational facilities and for researchers to interact with the Arab and international research communities.
He added, "This linkage, when completed, comes in the framework of the Euro-Mediterranean Interconnection Project (EUMEDCONNECT3) and the Africa Connect2 Project supported by the European Commission. The Arab States Research and Education Network (ASREN) endeavors to provide dedicated and yet high speed networks for research and education for the Arab countries to interconnect them and to connect to the European and global networks for research and education through ASREN PoP in London".
H.E. Dr. Sabri Saydam said: "The dedicated link for the Research and Education Network in Palestine when completed shall constitute a great support to the national researchers, without which our researchers would face challenges in the interconnect and in the transfer of big data to and from the global computing facilities."
He added, "We understand that this high speed linkage is very important, especially to connect our institutions in Palestine with the European Research and Education Networks, so as to create more opportunities for researchers and students to be involved in the international research cooperation projects with their peers in Europe and worldwide, and to provide access to advanced research and education resources, available elsewhere"
It is worth mentioning that this international link will come as an opportunity for national research and education institutions to take advantage of the networks specialized in scientific research without the use of commercial Internet.