“Abu-Ghazaleh” and “Friedrich Ebert Foundation” Seminar on “Economic Policies for Social Justice”
31 Aug 2016AMMAN – HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, chairman of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization (TAG-Org), and Ms. Anja Wehler-Schoeck, Resident Director of Friedrich Ebert Foundation (FES), headed an expert workshop and public discussion under the theme “Economic Policies for Social Justice”, which was organized by Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Knowledge Forum and FES − held at the Crown Plaza Hotel.
The expert workshop entitled, “Alternative Economic Policies for More Social Justice in the MENA Region” focused on discussion of several key issues in the MENA region and specifically in exchanging ideas about the Discussion Paper compiled by FES and For Socially Just Development, entitled, “Economic Policies for Social Justice”. This event falls in line with His Majesty King Abdullah II’s directives in enhancing partnerships between public and private sectors.
There was a strong and specific focus throughout the discussion on how to expand trade and investment based on Jordanian capabilities – given its geopolitical circumstances and other challenging issues such as women rights, Syrian refugee crisis, poverty, rights for the disabled and difficult economic challenges, investor restriction, privatization, unemployment, corruption, and the Government’s role in law enforcement.
During the workshop discussion, experts also had the opportunity to exchange ideas and compile recommendations pertaining to the Discussion Paper, which comes as a form of assessment of Economic Policies and suggestions for change in the Middle East and North Africa.
Ms. Anja Wehler-Schoeck, Resident Director of FES Jordan and Iraq indicated, “I believe that the topic “Economic Policies for Social Justice”
deserves our utmost attention. Unemployment and marginalization are
rampant in the region, and Jordan is no exception to this. Social
injustice is a major factor in popular discontent and in radicalization
Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh stressed, “Economic policies should not have any other objective except achieving social equality, which is clear for experts but not always for policy makers.” He added, “Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Knowledge Forum was created to give importance to solving economic and political challenges.”
Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh indicated, “As this study is part of an important initiative for Social Justice, TAG-Org in cooperation with FES and the German Ambassador HE Birgitta Maria Siefker-Eberle will derive a ‘Best Practices’ manual of recommendations to achieve social equality to benefit all countries.” He added, “There needs to be awareness and an educational program involved to achieve social equality.”
The second part of the event included a Public Discussion with a panel. The panel of experts included Minister of Labor HE Mr. Ali Al-Ghazawi; Chairman of the Jordan Strategy Forum Dr. Omar Razzaz; Member of Parliament Mr. Adnan Sawaeer; Editor-in-Chief of Al-Ghad Ms Jumana Ghneimat; and Director of Phenix Center for Economic and Informatics Studies Mr. Ahmad Awad; with FES Program Manager Ms. Amal Abu-Jries as discussion moderator. Dr. Naser AbdelKarim, Professor of Finance and Economics, Arab American University in Jenin, Palestine, also spoke of his experiences from FES Regional Project, in terms of what is applicable for the Arab region given the impact of the global recession and the Arab Spring.