The Graduation of the Eighth MBA Batch Alumni of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Graduate School of Business

08 Aug 2016

AMMAN- Under the patronage of HE Dr. Fayez Al-Tarawneh, Chief of the Royal Hashemite Court, Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Graduate School of Business (TAG-SB)/German Jordanian University (GJU) celebrated the graduation of the 8th batch of the Master degree students.

The graduation ceremony marking 10 years of partnership between Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization (TAG-Org) and the German Jordanian University, was held at the main theatre of King Hussein Business Park. The ceremony was held with the presence of Dr. Natheer Abu Obeid, President of the GJU, HE Ms. Maha Ali, former Minister of Industry, Trade and Supply− a TAG-SB Alumni, HE Dr. Amin Mahmoud Senator and former Minister of Higher Education, Ministers, Ambassadors, Deans and Presidents of TAG universities in the region. 

HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh expressed his gratitude to HE Dr. Al-Tarawneh for his sponsorship of the event, conveying his gratitude to His Majesty King Abdullah II bin Al-Hussein for his vision for the nation’s development and prosperity.

HE Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh also thanked the President of GJU Dr. Natheer Abu Obeid, the Dean of Graduate Studies at GJU Dr. Salem Al Agtash, Dean of TAG-SB Dr. Mamoun Akroush, TAG-SB Director Dr. Majdy Zuriekat, as well as TAG-SB staff and management for all their extensive efforts and contributions in guiding the Graduate students to complete this rigorous educational journey, and in qualifying them to meet labor market needs – based on the Organization’s motto,  ‘Where the Gifted Become Leaders’. Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh also assured that the University represents the continued success of cooperation between the private and public sectors, and in encouraging students to contribute added value to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan under the rule of His Majesty King Abdullah II Bin Al Hussein.

HE Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh expressed his joy and pride in the graduating students, stressing that TAG-SB is the only school in the Arab world to receive an accreditation from FIBAA, the Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation, since 2009. He also pointed out that TAG-SB has also received the Internationally renowned award for “Best Educational Institute in Management in Asia” in 2011 by the World Education Congress. 

Dr. Natheer Abu Obeid indicated that Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Graduate School of Business is the only school in the Arab World that operates under a partnership agreement in the field of higher education with public sector being the German Jordanian University. He added that the successful partnership has led to the graduation of over 600 students, of which have all completed a unique educational model in Business Administration, with six concentrations including Management, Marketing, Human Resources, Quality Management, Banking and Finance, and Logistics.

A graduating student Rawan Haha, spoke on behalf of her fellow graduates, conveying her sincerest gratitude to Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh and to the professors who have guided them throughout this educational journey and “MBA voyage of discovery”, in striving towards success in their professional lives, in being responsible citizens and in positively contributing to the country. 

Certificates were distributed to the 95 Graduates by HE Dr. Al-Tarawneh, HE Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh and Dr. Abu Obeid.  Symbolic gifts were also awarded to outstanding students obtaining the highest Grade Point Averages among their Graduate Class.  The top four outstanding students were: First ranked − Mohammad Sami Jarun; Second ranked − Raed Mohammad Sobeih Awayes; and both Third ranked −Ghaida Mohammad Ali Miftah and Abeer Kamal Shalan.