Abu-Ghazaleh: We Aim at Becoming a Knowledge-Based Society as per the Directives of His Majesty King Abdullah II bin Al Hussein

14 Mar 2016

AMMAN – March14, 2016 - Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Knowledge Society (TAG-KS) and the Information and Communication Technology Association - Jordan (Intaj) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in which TAG-KS provides various training services for youths in the information and communication technology sector.

The agreement will be implemented through the Jordan Skills Standardization Organization (JSSO) project that is funded by United States Agency for International Development (USAID) – Jordan Competitiveness Program.

The MoU was signed by HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, and Mr. Nidal Bitar, chief executive of Intaj, at the headquarters of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh University.

The two parties will form a joint working taskforce comprising all ICT related parties, to draw a plan for integrating ICT in all stages of education. Then, the plan will be presented to the decision making authorities for implementation.  

Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh said: "It is our responsibility to transform our society into a knowledge-based society, as per His Majesty King Abdullah II bin Al Hussein's directives.” He added that the agreement with Intaj, the umbrella that embraces ICT sector in Jordan, is to raise the efficiency of ICT sector staff and graduates joining the sector, noting that JSSO is a USAID supported program, that qualifies youths for jobs in ICT sector.

For his part, Mr. Bitar expressed pleasure for signing the agreement with TAG-KS, which allows for the exchange of expertise between Intaj and TAG-Org". He stated that Intaj has always sought to support ICT sector and to constantly grasp its needs, therefore it continually communicates with the Ministry of Information and Communication Technology and ICT companies and works  within REACH 2025 initiative. He noted that the agreement with such an experienced organization represents the culmination of Intaj's work. 

TAG-KS seeks to qualify as many local professionals as possible, and provide them with the required experience that enables them to enter the labor market. On the other hand, Intaj seeks to establish joint cooperation between Jordanian universities from one hand and public and private sectors from the other in order to conform education outputs and labor market requirements. 

According to the MoU, TAG-KS will provide training courses in English, and ITC-related technical skills. The courses could be directly given by a trainer or through the Internet.

TAG-KS will also provide incubators for those talented in the field of ICT, enabling graduates and job-seekers wishing to undertake entrepreneurial career, to set up their own businesses and projects at TAG-Org premises. Additionally, TAG-Org will provide employment services through Bawabati program, which increases employment opportunities for job-seekers, and consolidates ways of joint cooperation between the two parties.  

Moreover, TAG-KS will record, document and protect the Intellectual Property Rights of the JSSO's outputs. It will also adopt TAG-Org's programs and studies and include them in JSSO’s promotional tools and systems.

Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Knowledge Society (TAG-KS)

Targeting Arab youth and striving to foster human resource development, Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Knowledge Society (TAG-KS) aims at providing high-tech tools in the field of information and communication technology (ICT). Its mission is to cultivate a large number of local professionals possessing wide experience provided by TAG-Org experts and professionals to face the labor market challenges with the best qualifications.

Information and Communication Technology Association (Intaj)

Intaj is a non- for- profit association that supports the information and communication technology sector in Jordan. It operates to elevate the sector locally, regionally, and internationally, enhances the potentials of ICT companies, stimulates ICT-related activities, and contributes in drawing of the ICT sector's policies and strategies.