Abu-Ghazaleh Focuses on the South Starting with Ma'an
08 Mar 2016AMMAN – In the mid of 2015, HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh shifted his focus to the South of the Kingdom starting with Ma'an Governorate by providing services and projects that would serve the region's youth, and promote investments in the area.
Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization (TAG-Org) managed in a significantly short period of time to provide different types of services in various fields and work hand in hand with local institutions in providing more services according to the needs of the area which have been discussed during a recent meeting held at Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Knowledge Forum..
The projects and services aim at serving youth and children, promoting investment in Ma'an, and reflecting the true image of the city. Many other services have been implemented in Ma'an, most prominently is the twining agreement between Greater Ma'an Municipality and Greater Amman Municipality that involves the exchange of expertise and services between the two municipalities, making a quantum leap that would serve the governorate as a whole. Additionally, TAG-Org has established a regional electronic archiving office at Ma'an Development Company, in which all the documents of TAG-Org's 85 offices and 150 epresentative offices around the world are archived.
For Children
TAG-Org has established Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Technical Center for Children Education at Prince Hussein bin Abdullah Cultural Center. The Center aims at providing technology education to all children in the local community, enabling them to use modern educational and electronic products and keep pace with technical education. The Center has been established in response to His Majesty King Abdullah II bin Al Hussein directives and vision for partnership between public and private sectors.
For Youth
TAG-Org has established knowledge stations in every city in the Kingdom including Ma'an. Several stations have been established, some of them dedicated for youth, such as the station at Al- Hussain bin Talal University that offers Talal Abu-Ghazaleh University's and Abu-Ghazaleh for Professional Training programs and diplomas, and provided computer labs and training facilities, enabling youth to enter the labor market. Two other stations have been established at Qantara Center for Human Resources Development and at All Jordan Youth Commission of King Abdullah II Fund for Development, while the work is underway to establish one more station at Al Hussainiya Municipality.
Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh offered scholarships to a number of students and appointed a group of young men and women to work in the knowledge societies and projects established by TAG-Org. Additionally, TAG-Org is cooperating with Qantara Center in the framework of renewable energy diploma, with the support of the British Embassy.
Given the importance of extracurricular activities for youth, TAG-Org has equipped the multi-purpose hall at Ma'an Youth Club, enabling youth to hold seminars and lectures that serve the local community. TAG-Org also organizes courses in English language, and in the field of SMEs, with the support of King Abdullah II bin Al Hussein Fund, and in cooperation with All Jordan Youth Commission.
For Promoting Investment Services
HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh established an office at Ma'an Development Company (Industrial Park) to provide investors with TAG-Org's services such as consultation and feasibility study services. Currently, the office is conducting a study to establish a hotel in cooperation with local community institutions, and with the partnership of people of Ma'an. TAG-Org is also cooperating with donor institutions and supporting bodies in holding training seminars and workshops that enable youth to manage development programs and projects.
Moreover, a media plan that reflects the true image of the city, and highlights the projects conducted by Ma'an Development Company has been launched. The plan aims at supporting investors and directing their investments by underlining the advantageous aspects of the city. Licenses needed for establishing a radio broadcasting station have been completed; and the station that covers Amman and Ma'an, will devote programs to highlight Ma'an's activities and projects and the positive environment of the city.
In the field of Capacity Building
TAG-Org provides services and programs to various parties including; an agreement that was signed to establish Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Center for Educational and Economic Studies and Consultation at Al Hussein bin Talal University, and the project is under implementation in cooperation with the University; a Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Knowledge Station was established at Ma'an Police Directorate; while another station is being established at Ma'an Railway Station to provide training programs to railway workers and raising their abilities.
An agreement between the South Society for Special Education and Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Knowledge Society (TAG-KS) has been signed to provide the professional support through TAG-E-Solutions, TAG- Consulting, and TAG-Training, and to study the mechanism of activating mobile clinics that serve the people in the southern region of the Kingdom.
TAG-Org has provided a number of electronic devices to Ma'an Heritage Troupe. It has also equipped Ma'an Gateway Association, provided support to Greater Ma'an Municipality Employees' Fund, and offered laptops to the Development Directorate in Ma'an.
For Petra Association
TAG-Org seeks to expand the projects to cover the entire governorate; therefore it, jointly with the National Association for Preserving Petra, implements programs targeting local people such as Petra Roving Youth Program that aims at instilling sense of belonging and pride of the national identity and the cultural and natural heritage, thus enhancing commitment to preserving Petra and the Jordanian heritage, and Ma'an Youth Engagement and Motivation Program that aims at promoting more understanding about the importance of Petra and the Jordanian heritage.
One of the programs is Training of Trainers, a program that aims at engaging and integrating the local community in the process of managing the ancient site of Petra. The program is based on holding training courses that enable teachers to implement education and awareness programs to raise youth's awareness of the value of protecting the Jordanian heritage. The program also includes English language courses.