Abu-Ghazaleh Launches The Youth Forum for Policy Development

26 Aug 2015

AMMAN ------ August 26, 2015-------HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, president of the Economic Policy Development Forum (EPDF) launched "the Youth Forum for Policy Development" as one of the EPDF's initiatives in the presence of Mr. Ahmed Al-Hindawi, the UN Secretary General’s Envoy on Youth and a host of members of the Forum, the Executive and presidential committee, as well as many interested and concerned bodies and institutions in addition to the media.

HE Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh stated that the launch of this Forum stems from the parameters and goals on which the EPDF was based on since its foundation as the youth component as an essential driving force for economy development, and its contribution to the Forum constitutes the instrument, the engine and the first product of its activities under the guidance and advice of its expert members.

Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh indicated that this initiative aims at reviving the role of the Youth and sensitize them towards achieving the objectives of the Forum, moving forward in the service of the best interests of the country and its economy, while stressing the need for the Forum to give due attention not only to the youth, but also to children who are the future in all aspects, hence; the Forum is envisaged to be the venue for the artistic, intellectual and economic meetings and activities of school, institutes and university students, and shall become the reference for research, development, studies and networking with various local community initiatives.

Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh pointed out that this Forum seeks to constitute a pool of various bodies, associations and institutions concerned with youth, so as to have everybody under one umbrella to unify efforts and come out later with effective results to realize the ultimate goal of creating a platform.

For his part, Mr. Al-Hindawiconfirmed the importance of launching this Forum and the importance of the role it seeks to achieve, stressing on the fact that this Forum is focusing on one of the most important and eminent issues that preoccupies the people of the world.

He revealed that the economic reality is too difficult and the security conditions surrounding the Kingdom require the presence of such platform to propose solutions that will consequently lead to developing the economic process and make use of the energies of the Youth and their experience and developing them.

He stressed the importance of the presence of programs and proposals for the harmonization between the education outputs and needs of the labor market, especially in view of the increasing education rates within the Kingdom, especially among the females and the high rate of unemployment at the same time, which would require a set of new and effective proposals to solve this problem, which is continuously exacerbating.

He pointed out that the creation of this Forum is of critical importance at this specific time so as to benefit from the population opportunity within the Kingdom to the highest extent, as the population opportunity - if not used - the problems of poverty and unemployment will later exacerbate in a manner that will be difficult to control.

Meanwhile, Mr. Fadi Al-Daoud, director of the Youth Forum extended his thanks to HE Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh for adopting this Forum and its idea, "we resorted to His Excellency out of our confidence that he has always been a constant supporter to initiatives that aim at making social, cultural and economic impact, and he did not hesitate in adopting it out of his absolute faith in any initiative that seeks to serve the interests of our beloved country."

On the other hand, the audience assured the importance of this Forum stressing their support for this initiative and their participation in it through their institutions.

Dima Bibi, director of INJAZ for the creation of economic opportunities for the Jordanian Youth, outlined that the importance of this initiative and of supporting the various institutions concerned with Youth is to have everybody under one umbrella, to realize the desired objectives, and to reach out to young people in the various governorates of the Kingdom.

The Forum aims to be the reference point for research and studies for interested young people by harnessing all means of knowledge economy available at Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization in Jordan through Talal Abu-Ghazaleh University, Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Graduate School of Business (TAG-SB), and Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Knowledge Forum and other TAG institutions. The "Youth" Forum is hosted at the premises of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh University, which is the first University in Jordan promoting knowledge Economy and offers opportunities for cognitive learning in international universities and institutes.

About the Economic Policy Development Forum

The Forum was established in June 2011, as an independent initiative that has evolved into a non-profit enterprise aimed at reviewing economic reports and conducting research and studies of relevance to the kingdom.  It also aims to mobilize energies of expert economists from former and present decision makers in the public and private sectors in addition to academics to serve the objectives of the Forum on the basis of specialization in specific economic areas to formulate short, medium and long-term economic goals to propose to the decision-maker away from disputes, contradictions and political blocs and debates with transparency and positivity. However, the Forum is keen on maintaining its professional and scientific approach.