TAG Knowledge Society Opens New Branch at Palestine Technical University- Kadoorie in Tulkarm

09 Aug 2015

TULKARM, Palestine ---- August 9 -  2015-- Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Knowledge Society (TAG Knowledge) has established a new branch at the Palestine Technical University- Kadoorie (The Entrepreneurship Center for Accounting Sciences) in Tulkarm governorate under the patronage of the President of the University Dr. Marwan Awartani.

Opening the Center aims to develop the Accounting Information Systems program, funded by the World Bank in Palestine Technical University in partnership with Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization (TAG-Org), with financing provided by the Quality Development Fund.

Mr. Jamal Milhem, executive director of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh & Co. International, stated that the Center aims at enhancing the strategy of TAG-Org of investment in knowledge and developing human capacity.

“TAG-Org aims to establish several other centers in Palestine for the professional development of Palestinian youth. Such projects enable Palestinian youth to achieve their educational aspirations of applying to TAG Graduate School of Business," he said.
Milhem added that establishing such a center at the University will enhance cooperation in other fields such as in awarding Cambridge International Diploma in Information Technology and other international certificates and qualifications such as the International Arab Certified Public Accountant (IACPA) and International Arab Certified Management Accountant (IACMA).

 Dr. Awartani , expressed gratitude to TAG-Org for its support in  establishing  the center at the University and stressed on the importance of introducing modern teaching methods as a means of raising the academic level of institutions in Palestine to  improve the standards of the educational environment and the study methods of this area.  It also gives support to the extra curriculum needs of students.

Dr. Nafe Assaf, the project manager, gave an overview of the society, its objectives, the standards as well as services provided to students mainly the high-speed wireless Internet services, classrooms, training courses and modern computer laboratories in addition to a library  and a cafeteria.

The opening ceremony was also attended by Engineer Eyad Jallad, mayor of Tulkarm municipality, Dr. Ihab Qubbaj, dean of the Faculty of Business Administration as well as a group of university staff, representatives of local community institutions, private sector and university students.