AROQA Organizes Training Workshop on Quality Assurance Procedures in Higher Education

22 Jul 2015

CAIRO------- July 22, 2015-------The Arab Organization for Quality Assurance in Education (AROQA), chaired by HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, and the Honorary Chairmanship of HE Dr. Nabil Al Arabi, secretary general of the League of Arab States, organized recently a regional training workshop on internal and external quality assurance procedures in higher education held at the League of Arab States headquarters.
The workshop, inaugurated by Dr. Al Arabi, was held with the participation of representatives of universities and educational institutions from various Arab states: Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Palestine, Lebanon, Sudan, and Bahrain in addition to Jordan.

On behalf of the Secretary General of the League, Professor Majeda Zaki, assistant secretary general- director of Education and Scientific Research Department, welcomed the participants and emphasized the League’s keen interest to cooperate with AROQA in promoting education quality in the Arab region.

She also indicated that the League supports working with AROQA within its capabilities to develop education in the Arab region, pointing out that AROQA, represented by its Chairman, HE Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh, is known of its serious endeavors and activities, which many institutions in the region lack.

For his part, Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh stated that what is really required is not the education for all but the accredited and high quality education.

“We should also aim at internationally accredited education to introduce qualified laborers who can compete in the international labor market,” he added.

The workshop was delivered by the international consultant Dr. Terrance Clifford-Amos who presented an introduction to quality assurance in higher education institutions. He explained the method of writing the mission and vision of an institution, the strategic plan as well as employment and qualifications of the quality assurance team. He also tackled preparation of documents on quality assurance approach, quality laws and regulations as well as the accreditation and external review process.

In addition, the workshop included practical training on internal and external quality assurance, the accreditation process and related preparations, the method of writing self-evaluation report, external evaluation procedures, interviews and response to recommendations mentioned in the evaluation report.