AROQA Begins Practical Steps towards Academic Accreditation for Alomaryeh Schools
12 Jul 2015AMMAN – July 12, 2015- HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, chairman of the Arab Organization for Quality Assurance in Education (AROQA), announced the start of the procedures of Academic Accreditation of Alomaryeh Schools in Jordan by applying the School’s standards and indicators that have been developed in collaboration with international quality and accreditation agencies.
Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh highlighted the role played by Alomaryeh Schools in improving educational quality and ensuring the excellent outcomes referring to AROQA’s framework of quality standards where schools began continuous improvement and alignment with the requirements of accreditation during the academic year 2014\2015.
A team of external reviewers have visited Alomaryeh Schools for four consecutive days to examine school compliance with AROQA’s accreditation standards and indicators related to educational objectives and outcomes, educational methods, curricula and extracurricular activities, infrastructure, quality systems, learning environments and supporting systems.
In addition, reviewers examine quality assurance procedures and communication with parents as well as reviewing the evaluation mechanisms, samples of school exams, home works and their compatibility with the requirements of international standards to ensure preparation of qualified students academically, behaviorally, and professionally.
According to Professor Hisham Abdel Muti, General Manager of Alomaryeh Schools: "The academic accreditation experience is one of the most important practical steps that contribute to educational excellence and quality assurance in the framework of a joint and integrated cooperation between all stakeholders, including principals, teachers, students and parents."
It is noteworthy to mention that the Director of Private Education Department at the Ministry of Education, Dr. Farid Al-Khatib, attended part of the meetings carried out by the team at the Schools and checked the standards and indicators that are being applied at Alomaryeh Schools, the self-assessment report and its main components, practical and technical evidences that the Schools provided to get the Academic Accreditation.
During the visit, the external reviewers examined school documentation and archives, analyzed evidences related to School compliance to AROQA standards, and interviewed students, parents, and teachers. In conclusion, external reviewers have provided recommendations and suggestions to with relevance to various academic and administrative aspects. At a later stage, AROQA will provide a comprehensive review report that will illustrate the extent to which Alomaryeh Schools complied with AROQA’s standards and indicators in the wider context.