After a Successful Launch in Bahrain and Jordan; ASHABAKEH to Cover more Countries
01 Feb 2015AMMAN--------February 1, 2015---------, the Global Marketing Network, celebrated the second batch of its project awards in a special ceremony held at Talal Abu-Ghazaleh University (TAGI-UNI).
The award ceremony celebrates the implementation of the partnership program between Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Information Technology International (TAG-ITI), a Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization (TAG-Org) affiliate, and AMC Advertising in Bahrain which aims at establishing a documented Arab e-database to include all citizens of the Arab countries as well as inclusive and citizen’s-related data to serve as a marketing guide of producers and consumers.
Each of the 61 award winners from Jordan received a TAGI laptop presented by AMC Chairman of the Board Dr. Mohammad Abdel Kareem Al-Mana’i, the Project Manager Mr. Loay Abu-Osbeh, and the Manager of Websites Development and Design at TAG-Org Mr. Ramez Quneibi.
Mr. Abu Osbeh pointed out that the Project is of a great concern for HE Dr. Talal Abu- Ghazaleh, who advocates the fact that it’s about time for Arabs to reassume their leadership role in the world today as they are the founding structure of all sciences, cultures, and inventions.
"After launching the project in Jordan and Bahrain, given the established partnership, Phase II has been initiated with the inclusion of Saudi Arabia and Egypt to the Project, yet, we are aspired by a vision of being a global network," Mr. Abu Osbeh added.
For his part, Dr. Al-Mana’i said that the Project underlies many advantages to communities, “We reach out to all segments in a nonstop communication and work with them as one family; surprises are underway for the benefit and interest of all members and participants.”
The Project has been initiated in Jordan and Bahrain as Phase I, where it received huge demand and participation included people from different areas of expertise in the two countries. Afterward, it will be launched in other countries.
It’s worth mentioning that aims at providing excellent world class media services, while maintaining development of close-everlasting advisor-client relationships via the network. looks forward to being in a leading global position in the area of media services provision. Thus, aims at using cutting edge information and communication technology that contributes to conveying the advertiser’s message to the largest targeted segment of the community in a creative and diverse approach.