Abu-Ghazaleh Represents Jordan at the Annual Meeting of IFAC in Italy

06 Apr 1994
The International Federation of Accountants (IFAC), will convene its regular annual meeting in Venice, Italy, during April 6 – 10 of this year.
Jordan will be represented at these meetings by Mr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, Chairman of the Arab Society of Certified Accountants (ASCA). The IFAC meetings are being held in order to discuss the application of international accounting principles and the extent to which they affect the profession and the Federation’s activities.
Further, the IFAC will also discuss its plans and their revision so that they will be commensurate with global changes.
On the other hand, the various committees of the federation will present their work projects, as the Committee for Global Affairs, the Ethics Committee and the Financial Committee will each display what was reached in every field.
This will take place so that the federation’s board of directors can adopt the work projects.
The Technical Committee will research accounting standards and auditing systems and its practices that are applicable at an international level. It is worth noting that the IFAC will convene its international conference next year in Amsterdam.
The IFAC has over 5 million members that represent a large number of countries and professional bodies worldwide.
It should be pointed out that Mr. Abu-Ghazaleh was elected to the IFAC board of directors in 1993 as a representative of the Arab accounting profession. With that, he was the first Arab professional who acquired membership on IFAC’s board. He has played a crucial role on the board, as he made the organization focus its activities and projects on the accounting profession and accounting education and qualification in the Arab region and the Third World.