During the Conclusion of a Training Course on Trademarks Laws

01 Jul 1999
Mr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, President of the Arab Society for the Protection of Intellectual Property (ASPIP), affirmed, during the conclusion of the activities of a training course entitled: “Introduction to Trademarks Laws”, that the protection of intellectual property requires the protection from the exploitation and not the usage of intellectual works. The training course was held by ASPIP over three consecutive days in Talal Abu-Ghazaleh International-Oman building.
Mr. Abu-Ghazaleh added that the protection of intellectual property rights is currently one of the most important legal and economic issues raised not only at the Jordanian level, but also the Arab and international levels.
Mr. Abu-Ghazaleh confirmed that the protection system is the way to creativity and without it we would not be able to encourage our children to be confidently creative and reassure them that their rights are protected by the system and that it allows them to exploit their rights. He added that the protection system encourages investment in research and development; if we knew that some of the researches in the field of medicine, for example, cost $ 1 billion until the product reaches the market, then it will be possible to assess the importance of investing in rights. Therefore, international companies were encouraged to spend between 5% and 15% of the value of their total investment in research and development, and that is what we want for our countries. We can’t forget that the research is the beginning of an invention, the pharmaceutical industries, for example, spend 20% of their income in scientific research.
Mr. Abu-Ghazaleh also said that having participants in this course from several economic and governmental sectors is a significant evidence that owners of facilities and economic institutions are aware of the importance and seriousness of the subject of trademarks in their economy or at the level of the national economy in general.
The course discussed over three days, a group of papers dealt with the definition of intellectual property rights in general, the definition of trademarks, in particular, and historical evolution of the concept of the protection of trademark and its importance. The course also talked about the types and forms of trademarks, associated international conventions such as the TRIPS agreement and the Paris Convention and the Madrid Protocol, other suspected legal terminology related to trademarks, as well as international classification of trademarks according to the Nice Agreement, finally the international registration of trade marks.
Furthermore, the course dealt with: the objective formal conditions for the registration of trademarks, the preparation of applications for registration of trademarks, in addition to the method and procedures for registration of trademarks at the Ministry of Industry and Trade.
The General Director of ASPIP, Mr. Tawfiq Zweid declared that this course comes within the targets of ASPIP which aim at spreading awareness in the field of intellectual property rights among all legal and economic sectors in Jordan. He also added that this course comes within the intensive and specialized program of training courses in the field of intellectual property rights, which began last June. Those courses deal with all different and specialized themes in trademarks, patents, industrial models and copyrights.
The course was attended by many economic actors, representatives of several private companies, lawyers and jurists. Working papers has been submitted by specialists in this filed and they are: Dr. Abdullah Khcherom – Mu’tah University -Faculty of Law, Mr. Fouad Marouh from the Ministry of Industry and Trade, Mr. Naif Hijazi from Abu-Ghazaleh Intellectual Property (AGIP), Mr. Tawfiq Zweid, General Director of the Arab Society for the Protection of Intellectual Property (ASPIP).
According to the Training Director, Mr. Salah Jaradat, the mutual dialogue between participants and trainers in the course had enriched its effectiveness, especially since the participants are working in different sectors and they all were interested in everything relating to the protection of intellectual property rights in Jordan.