TAG-Org Professional Trainers Accredited as International Trainers in Monitoring and Evaluation

03 Aug 2011
This accreditation allows access to global markets and donor institutions operating in the field of development projects to work with them in the monitoring and evaluation projects as well as holding workshops and professional courses locally and globally using interactive methods for training of trainers (TOT)

AMMAN------ August 3, 2011------ Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization (TAG-Org) Professional Trainers obtained the certificate of accreditation, "Trainers in Monitoring and Evaluation", from three international bodies, namely, the International Fund for Agricultural Development "IFAD", the International German Foundation for Capacity-Building (GIZ) and the Regional Center on Agrarian Reform and Rural Development for the Near ETAG-Org Professional Trainers Accredited as International Trainers in Monitoring and Evaluationast (CARDNE).

This accreditation allows access to global markets and donor institutions operating in the field of development projects to work with them in the monitoring and evaluation projects as well as holding workshops and professional courses locally and globally using interactive methods for training of trainers (TOT).

The accreditation has been granted after TAG-Org’s participation in the Capacity Building in Managing for Result and Impact (CAMARI) program, where both parties organized three workshops on monitoring and evaluation using interactive training methods.

The first course was entitled, "Project Cycle Management", the second was "Monitoring and Evaluation" and the third was "Results-based Management and Impact of the International Fund for Agricultural Development Projects".

Representatives of donors and project financiers as well as evaluators specialized in training; monitoring and evaluation attended the workshop.

Eight professionals of TAG-Org were granted internationally certified professional certificates qualifying them to become accredited instructors in monitoring and evaluation.

Mr. Maher Ajjouri, technical director of the CAMARI Project, director of Economic and Strategic Studies in the Organization received the certificates from Dr. Ghaleb Tuffaha, director of the Regional Center on Agrarian Reform and Rural Development in the Near East (CARDNE).

Mr. Salah Abu Osbeh, executive director of Professional Partnerships at TAG-Org appreciated and commended the efforts exerted by those managing the project, in particular, the trainers who have worked hard for almost two years to accomplish the project and achieve its objectives. Mr. Abu Osbeh thanked HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh for his support and participation in the workshops.