Amman Becomes the Regional Center for the UN ICT TF

10 Jan 2003
Under the Patronage of His Majesty King Abdullah II, the Jordanian capital, Amman, will host the UN ICT Task Force Arab Network meeting on January 13- 14, 2002.  
Officially launched by UN Secretary General Mr. Kofi Anan on November 20th, 2001, the United Nations Information and Communications Technology Task Force (UN ICT TF) is intended to ensure global participation in efforts for bridging the Digital Divide.

First of its kind in the history of the UN, the UN ICT Task Force will consist of 18 members representing their governments; 8 members of which will be elected from the private sector, 6 members from development and funding agencies, and 4 members from non-governmental agencies (NGO).

In accordance with the decision made by the international team to establish regional centers in the different areas of the world, Jordan has been chosen as the regional center for the Arab region and will be officially announced as such at the launching event, organized in Amman by the Ministry of Post and Communications, Talal Abu-Ghazaleh & Co. International (TAGI) and the Information Technology Association of Jordan.

HE Dr. Fawaz Zu'bi, Minister of Post and Communications expressed the government's pleasure in hosting this launch in Amman, and welcomed the announcement of Jordan as a regional center for the international team.

Formal invitations were therefore sent by the Ministry of Post and Communications for all ministries and fellow Arab representatives to participate in this landmark event. Additional invitations have been addressed to representatives of the private information and communications technology sector and other stakeholders involved in the future of ICT within Jordan and the Arab region.

The opening session will be championed by HE Dr. Salaheddin Al-Bashir, Minister of Industry and Trade, in Jordan; HE Jose Maria Figueres-Olsen, UN Task Force Special Representative and former President of Costa Rica; Mr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, the UN ICT Arab Regional Network Chairman; and Mr. Karim Kawar, UN ICT Arab Regional Network Coordinator, and Chairman of int@j.

Each of the pan Arab representatives will then address a specific perspective on e-strategy, e-infrastructure, e-commerce, and e-education in their respective countries, which will in turn help in bridging the Digital Divide within the Arab world.

Mr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, a leading Jordanian figure in the private business sector, was elected to the Executive Council of the team and as the Chairman for the UN ICT Working Group on Human Resources and Capacity Building.