TAGorg Creates Five Websites for Four Ministries and Public Administration Institute
12 Jun 2003The minister of administrative development Karim Bakradouni held a joint press conference yesterday with the chairman of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh and Co. International (TAGI), Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, at the ministry, where he announced the launch of a project to create five websites for the ministries of finance, pedagogy and higher education, energy and water, labour, and the Public Administration Institute.
The press conference was attended by high-ranking officials in the Ministry of Development and representatives of the organizations benefiting from the grant. These representatives are as follows: On behalf of the Ministry of Energy and Water; Ali Ghraiyib and Madonna Polis, the Ministry of Labour; Mohammed Jaber, the Ministry of Pedagogy and Higher Education; Abdoh Yamin, and on behalf of the Public Administration Institute; Jack Quinski.
At the start, Minister Bakradouni spoke, stating: “This grant is part of the project for the unified center for administrative information named ‘Informs’ which includes forms and information necessary to complete administrative procedures.”
He added: “This project that we are launching is the first step in executing the recommendations of the administrative media program.”
Then Abu-Ghazaleh spoke and stressed the significance of a knowledge-based society in the Arab world, and talked about his firm’s activity worldwide.
Abu-Ghazaleh said that the Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization (TAGorg) is proud of the presidential decree and the decision of the ministerial council to assign it the task of developing and administering the websites of four ministries and the administrative institute.
On another issue, Bakradouni discussed with the coordinator of the international center to prevent crime and fighting corruption of the UN Alexander Schmidt and the coordinator of the technical committee to formulate the bill of “Citizens for Youth” –Hisham Nashabeh- the details of this new bill.
Minister Bakradouni also chaired the meeting of the higher structures to discuss the project that aims to organize the structure of the national interest for the Litani river.