World Links Graduates Second Batch of Technological Teachers
22 Sep 2003The second batch of teachers from the Jordanian Ministry of Education participating in the World Links program for IT usage in education has graduated recently.
Mr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, member of the World Links board of directors, said that this initiative aims to execute programs focused and directed towards the region, and is launching from Jordan with Arab and international resources.
There are communications with some Arab countries and personalities and international personalities as well, and the World Links program has begun receiving donations, as Hewlett Packard has pledged the first sum for the Arab initiative in World Links, that is estimated to be a quarter of a million dollars.
Mr. Abu-Ghazaleh unveiled the launch of a new initiative to create an Arab network within World Links to serve the Arab region with the regional headquarters being in Jordan.
It is worth noting that World Links is executing a program in Jordan in accordance with a memo of understanding between the Ministry of Education, the Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization and World Links International.