Ag-IP-news Agency acquires ISO 9001 Certification

07 Feb 2005
Upon the assessment conducted by the SGS ISO Certificate body in Jordan, Ag-IP-news Agency acquired the ISO certification for the first time since its establishment in July 2004.
This achievement marks the proficiency and excellence in which the Agency has been conducting its operations since its establishment, especially within the relatively short duration of its existence.

"This is a good example of our global initiative to pursue Intellectual Property awareness everywhere," said Roufan Nahhas, Ag-IP-news Agency Managing Chief Editor.

"Acquiring the certification is a big advantage and we are looking to the future with confidence that we have already met all the standards required," he added.

This effort reflected positively on the Agency's performance and readership as its number of readers multiplied significantly in the period of time lying between November 2004 and February 2005.

The Agency is determined on sustaining and upgrading these efforts in order to ensure the best coverage for its readers and an unparalleled performance in its field.
"Our target is to provide one credible source for news dealing with all Intellectual Property issues and events," he said.

Ag-IP-news Agency is a pilot project that has been exclusively established to cover Intellectual Property news, events, and activities.

As a member of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization (TAGO), Ag-IP-news Agency will lead the way and move in a parallel line with the fast growing interest in IP domains to fulfill one single mission: to provide our users worldwide with a credible source of news and reports.
In addition, the users of Ag-IP-news Agency are invited to avail themselves of our news, articles, analysis, and information without any prior concerns about fees or subscription since it's a free of charge service.