Paris to Host All 4 Palestine Initiative Founding Conference Entitled “Palestinian Contribution to Human Civilization”
12 Jul 2011PARIS --- July 12, 2011 --- Under the patronage of HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh in cooperation with Dr. Sabri Saidam, the French capital, Paris, will host on September 17th 2011 the founding conference of the “All 4 Palestine” Association entitled “Palestinian Contribution to Human Civilization” after being officially registered in France.
This initiative aims at highlighting the innovation and creativity of Palestinians around the world, including scientists, businessmen, writers, artists and athletes and all others who overcame the suffering due to displacement and achieved success. It also envisages building a database of names of all successful and creative Palestinians as a tribute to this great nation to ensure that their country will benefit from their potentials.
Paris conference aims at providing Palestinians with the opportunity to display their achievements and contribution to civilization and progress in the various sectors of business, financial services, science, arts, media and other fields in order to motivate and inspire the young generation that will build and develop the State of Palestine.
The conference will also determine the best means and practices to benefit from the expertise of the distinguished Palestinian experts and in all walks of life.
The conference will also introduce the international community to the potential and talents of Palestinians, and will set up a positive atmosphere for interaction with the international community which will provide the motivation for the young generations that look ahead to the future. Such generations that will build and develop the State of Palestine. During the conference, the All 4 Palestine” Initiative will be announced and launched.
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