China Trademark Festival to be Inaugurated Tomorrow
08 Dec 2005SHENZHEN – The annual meeting of the International Protection of Trademark 2005, part of the China Trademark Festival, will open on Friday at Shenzhen Kylin Villa with the participation of famous Chinese and international enterprises, concerned personnel in trademark circle from Asia and the major countries in the world.
Officials from the World Intellectual property Organization and EU Trademark office will also have a presence to discuss key issues on the development of trademark.
The event will be inaugurated by Li Jianzhong, president of China Trademark Association (CTA) and will discuss several key issues concerning the importance of the international protection of intellectual property and will tackle trademark law treaty in addition to other issues.
Marcus Hopperger, acting Director of Trademark, Industrial Designs and Geographical Indications Law of World Intellectual property Organization (WIPO) will focus on Trademark Law Treaty while Qu Jianning, General Manager of Shanghai Jahwa United Co. Ltd will discuss how to implement Brand Strategy.
China General Administration of Customs will also be present and will tackle customs protection of Trademarks.
A special session will be dedicated to China’s Trademark Review and adjudication System and the protection system of Chinese well-known trademark.
Abu-Ghazaleh Intellectual Property (AGIP) Resident in charge, Ridab Abu Taleb said that the high profile event is an excellent opportunity to be part of the global coalition to protect trademark.
“The focus will be directed to the Chinese market and the protection of trademark in country,” she said.
The content of the China Trademark Festival includes: the annual meeting of the international protection of trademark 2005, China and foreign trademark fair 2005 in addition to other related activities.
Meanwhile, the 2005 International Trademark Exposition (ITE) will open in Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center and is organized to promote the exchange and cooperation of the trademark field all over the world, enhance the trademark consciousness of the whole society and help enterprises to propagate brands, show brands, protect brands and implement the brand development strategy of the trademark.
Content of this expo includes: the China trademark construction achievement section, the trademark service section, section of famous trademarks, comprehensive section of trademarks, and overseas trademark brand section, etc. All these five sections will sufficiently show and propagate the status and function of the trademarks in the social economic activity. It can help Chinese national brands move towards the world economic competition and participate in the global range, and protect the world trademark brand in China.
2005 International Trademark Expo will be a grand ceremony in the circle of trademarks, together with "International Trademark Protection Annual Meeting 2005" and "Evening Party named ‘Entering into the Era of Trademark".