TAGCO Organizes a Training Course on Auditing and Financial Control

15 Dec 2005
Talal Abu-Ghazaleh & Co. TAGCO/ Jordan office in cooperation with the Omani Arabic Institution for Training/ Muscat has conducted a training course on Auditing and Financial Control, October 1 - December 15, 2005.

The training course covered various auditing-related topics including: International Standards on Auditing (ISA), auditing principles and procedures, internal auditing practices, auditing by using financial analysis as well as financial control.
Mr. Mohammed Bin Ali Hamood Al-Rashdy, deputy director for Financial Affairs at the Royal Court Affairs, Sultanate of Oman, commended on the course's high-organized level and the valuable material.

"I'm very proud to take part in this training course which introduced the modern development trends in auditing," Al-Rashdy said.                                                                      
"I also wish to start with the Arab Certified Professional Accountant (ACPA) program very soon, in order to obtain the ACPA certificate," added Al-Rashdy.

The ACPA certificate is granted by the Arab Certified Public Accountants (ASCA). The certificate is validated by the University of Cambridge International Examinations (CIE) and bears the logos and signatures of ASCA's Chairman, Mr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, and the Vice-Chancellor of Cambridge University.

Established in London in 1984 and headquartered in Amman, ASCA is the Arab regional professional society dedicated to the promotion of the highest accounting, auditing and ethical standards and to capacity building through globally recognized educational and examination qualification programs.

"I look forward to applying all the valuable information I learned in this course in order to better serve the auditing profession in the future," concluded Al-Rashdy.