IP Valuation Task Force Convenes in Amman Next Month

21 Jan 2006
By Ibtisam Awadat
AMMAN - A preparatory meeting for intellectual property (IP) and financial reporting Task Force, which was elected during the IP Valuation seminar organized last November in Dubai, will be held on February 23, 2006 in Amman.
The “Intellectual Property Valuation” seminar was held 27-28 November in Dubai, UAE. It was organized by the Licensing Executives Society – Arab Countries (LES-AC) and Federation Internationale Des Conseils En Propriete Industrielle (FICPI), and sponsored by Abu-Ghazaleh Intellectual Property (AGIP).
The two-day event, inaugurated by Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, Chairman and CEO of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization (TAGorg), hosted 120 experts, IP owners and lawyers, from several Arab and foreign countries.
During the preparatory meeting, the Task Force will be:
1- Setting valuation methodology and policy.
2- Undertaking accountancy standards related thereto including presentation.
3- Forming auditing standards related thereto including reporting.
Key personalities to attend the meeting, in addition to Abu-Ghazaleh, are Dr. Heinz Goddar, partner in Boehmert & Boehmert, Samar Al-Labbad, TAGorg executive director, Danny Huntington, partner in Bingham McCutchen, in addition to others.