New Training Program titled: "Business Networking & Time Management"
15 Nov 2006The Arab Knowledge and Management Society, AKMS in cooperation with Talal Abu –Ghazaleh Professional Training Group
Announce “Business Networking & Time Management” Training program
Announce “Business Networking & Time Management” Training program
Part one : Business Networking ( 2 days) :
- What’s a winning business name?
- Business Networking
- Possible Financing Options
- Industry Overview
- Management Plan
- Market Analysis and Plan
- Financial Plan
- How do we Communicate
- Communication in Business Environment
- How to Understand and deal with Human Models
Part two: Time Management ( 1 day) :
- Why is Time Management Important?
- Goals, Priorities, and Planning
- TO DO Lists
- Desks, Paperwork, Telephones
- Scheduling Yourself
- Delegation
- Meetings
- Technology
- General Advice
Tools to be used :
- Role play; Participants will work in pairs to write shore situation in communication behavior.
- Passing oral message exercise.
- The feedback exercise.
- The participants will be asked to prepare short presentations and feedback will be given to them on how to improve their presentation skills
Course Language:Arabic and English
- Program Date: November 21-23,2006
- Time: 12:00Pm-5:00Pm
- Location: Talal Abu- Ghazaleh College of Business (TAGCB)- Makka Street
- Fees: 150JDs
- Member Fees:
- Organization: 112JDs
- Individual: 75JDs
Trainer: Raida Al-awamleh (Ms.), will be the trainer of this program, she is carrying a Master of Business Administration (MBA), Majored in Business Administration. In addition, she is a Certified Project Management Professional (PMI-USA). Alongside with her excellent experience in the field of Training, Marketing and Business Development.