HE Senator Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Visits King Hussein Cancer Center

05 Jun 2011

HRH Princess Dina Mired thanked Senator Abu-Ghazaleh for his visit and support to the fight against cancer

AMMAN --- June 5, 2011--- HE Senator Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, Chairman and CEO of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization (TAG-Org) visited the King Hussein Cancer Center (KHCC) on June 1, 2011 and met with HRH Princess Dina Mired, Director General of the King Hussein Cancer Foundation (KHCF), the legal umbrella organization responsible for KHCC.

During the meeting, HRH discussed the fundraising programs organized by KHCF and elaborated on KHCC’s projects which continuously aim at providing the best comprehensive treatment for cancer patients using state-of-the-art medical equipment.

Princess Dina escorted Senator Abu-Ghazaleh on a tour of KHCC’s different departments and sections, including the Khalid Shoman Nuclear Medicine Department and the Medical Library which gives doctors and consultants access to the largest medical online resources and conferences in the world at the press of a button. Princess Dina and Senator Abu-Ghazaleh also visited the Children's Playroom, which plays an important role, supporting pediatric patients morally and psychologically during lengthy treatment periods. HE Senator Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Visits King Hussein Cancer Center

Princess Dina briefed Senator Abu-Ghazaleh on the progress achieved by KHCC over the last few years, which gave the Center prominence in the Arab World.

Her Highness highlighted the fact that the Center renewed its disease-specific international accreditation, making it one of only six hospitals in the world to be awarded such honor by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations.

At the end of the tour, HRH thanked Senator Abu-Ghazaleh for his visit and support to the fight against cancer. She also commended his initiative to donate all his allowances as a member of the Upper House in favor of the Foundation.

Senator Abu-Ghazaleh expressed his admiration of the excellent services and care provided to patients, and wished them speedy recovery.

It is worth mentioning that KHCC provides cancer treatment for cancer patients in accordance with the recent international protocols and state-of-the-art medical equipment. KHCF and KHCC also work to offer access to education, training and public awareness aimed at the early detection and prevention of cancer.