TAG-Org, IAUP and Cairo’s Ain Shams University Discuss Cooperation Perspectives

08 Jul 2014

CAIRO – HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, chairman of the Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization (TAG-Org) and President of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh University (TAGI-UNI), discussed with officials of the International Association of University Presidents (IAUP) and Cairo’s Ain Shams University issues of mutual interest in the field of higher education.

The meeting, held at Ain Shams University Headquarters in Cairo, was attended by HE Dr. Saleh Hashem, Ex-Secretary General of the Association of Arab Universities as well as the Regional Chair of the IAUP for the Middle East and North Africa; Dr. Hussein Issa, President of Ain Shams University; Dr. Ali Abdel Aziz, Vice President for Post Graduate Studies and Research at Ain Shams University; and Ms. Samar Al-Labbad, TAG-Org Deputy Chair.

During the meeting, the attendees agreed upon the establishment of a center for Arabic studies in Amman, which will be specialized for non-Arabic speakers. This center will be an extension of Ain Shams University and will be in collaboration with the German Jordanian University.

Additionally, the possibility of opening a branch to the University in Brussels or Geneva was also tackled. Through this development, the members hope to find potential investors to secure the bright future of education.

Moreover, it was decided that the Arab Organization for Quality Assurance in Education (AROQA) will organize a seminar in collaboration with Ain Shams University on the quality assurance standards in education.
An additional seminar on quality assurance standards will take place under the lead of Dr. Salem Al-Agtash, Senior Advisor on ICT and Technology at TAG-Org, who will coordinate on the standards and guidelines with Dr. Ibrahim Issa, who was appointed in the meeting to the Board of Trustees of ASREN and AROQA. In organizing the seminar, Dr. Al-Agtash will work in collaboration with Ain Shams University, which will host the event, and whose president will sign and send out invitations.

Meanwhile, AROQA will co-organize a seminar of the Association of Arab Universities (AARU) in collaboration with Ain Shams University, which aims at discussing the future of the Association, including the election of the next Secretary General.