Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Professional Training and Education for Employment Foundation Sign a Professional MoU
17 Mar 2011
I am really honored to be part of any initiative that serves the youth in all fields mainly in creating potential jobs for their employment- Senator Abu-Ghazaleh
We are proud of this partnership with TAG-Org, one of the world’s most prestigious organizations and we are looking forward to enhance this partnership in various fields - McAuliffe
AMMAN --- March 17, 2011 ---Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Professional Training (TAGTRAINING) signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Education for Employment Foundation in the presence of HE Senator Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, chairman and CEO of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization (TAG-Org) and the CEO of Education for Employment Foundation (EFE) Mr. Jamie McAuliffe.
The MoU stipulates the establishment of a joint taskforce and setting up a work plan that takes into consideration cooperation in the field of using a toolkit to support small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs), employment of youth through utilizing a large database and provision of training scholarships within the capacity building programs in local communities in which EFE operates, particularly in poverty pockets, as well as participation in training courses or volunteering orientation sessions delivered by academically and professionally qualified experts.
The MoU was signed by Ms. Mayyada Abu-Jaber, CEO of Jordan Career Education Foundation (JCEF) and Mr. Mustafa Nasereddin, executive director of TAGI- Jordan. The signing ceremony was attended by Mr. Luay Abu-Ghazaleh, deputy CEO of TAG-Org, Ms. Samar AlLabad, deputy chair and executive director of TAG-Org and Mr. Salah Abu Osbeh, TAG- Academies support director as well as members of both parties.
Senator Abu-Ghazaleh highly praised this cooperation to support the youth saying: “I am really honored to be part of any initiative that serves the youth in all fields mainly in creating potential jobs for their employment. We have an experience in the field of youth employment through Talal Abu- Ghazaleh Knowledge Society, which has recently held an employment fair that attracted a large number of job seekers.”
Moreover, Mr. McAuliffe commended this professional partnership saying “We are proud of this partnership with TAG-Org, one of world’s most prestigious organizations and we are looking forward to enhance this partnership in various fields”.
Note to the Editor:
Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Professional Training Group "TAGITRAINING" is a member of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization (TAG-Org), the largest Arab group of professional service firms in the fields of accounting, management consulting, training, intellectual property, legal services, information technology, capacity building, credit information and legal translation.
Jordan Career Education Foundation
JCEF is a non-profit organization established in Jordan in 2006. The JCEF is an affiliate of the Education for Employment Foundation (EFE) a Washington-based non-profit organization. The Foundation is dedicated to training unemployed, economically disadvantaged youth, ages 18 to 24, and placing them in guaranteed jobs.