Senator Abu-Ghazaleh Receives Syrian Businesswomen Delegation

07 Mar 2011

The dialogue focused on linking the vocational education with the work market and discussed the possible means to benefit from TAG-Org’s services and experiences to develop the competencies of the vocational schools graduates

AMMAN------- March 7, 2011---------- HE Senator Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, chairman and CEO of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization (TAG-Org) received at his office a delegation from Homs Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Syria, representing the Industrialists Businesswomen Committee in the Homs Governorate.

He welcomed the delegation and confirmed that Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Academies and the experiences of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization are at the service of Homs Chamber of Industry.

The dialogue focused on linking vocational education with the work market and discussed the possible means to benefit from TAG-Org’s services and experiences to develop the competencies of the vocational schools graduates.

It was agreed to prepare a MoU to establish Qualifying Academy in Homs under the management of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Training to provide necessary and suitable programs to qualify and prepare adults to enter the work market.

The delegation’s visit comes as a continuation to the visit of HE Senator Abu-Ghazaleh to the Governorate of Homs and the Industrial City in Hassia in March 2010 where he met with Homs Chamber of Commerce and Industry and gave a speech entitled “Syria and the Arabs in the Changing Global Economy.”

The visit resulted in setting up general mechanism for continuous cooperation with Homs Chamber of Commerce and Industry especially in the field of ongoing training.