IASCA Takes Part in IFASS and AOSSG

09 Apr 2014

NEW DELHI, India ---- April 9, 2014 ---- The International Arab Society of Certified Accountants (IASCA) Vice Chair Dr. Osama Tabara took part in the 8th annual International Forum of Accounting Standard Setters (IFASS) organized by the Asian-Oceanian Standard-Setters Group (AOSSG).
The Forum was attended by many professional and accounting entities from around the world including Chairman of the International Accounting Standards Board (IASC) Mr. Hans Hoogervorst and a host of the Board’s members.

The Forum tackled a number of significant topics mainly: Challenges of evolving nations in convergence/adoption of IFRS; New approach to lease accounting; Fair valuation under IFRS - Concerns and safeguards; Post-implementation review of new IFRS.

Moreover, the participants discussed with IASB the financial reports related to the process of adopting the international standards for financial report and progress achieved in this field.

It’s worth mentioning that the Forum will hold its next meeting 2014 and for the first time in Jordan.

Dr. Tabara is a founding member of IASCA and he took part in many professional conferences related to the development of the accounting and auditing professions.

The International Arab Society of Certified Accountants (IASCA) was established on January 12, 1984 as a non-profit professional accounting association in London, UK. It was formally registered in Amman on February 24, 1994 under the name “The Arab Society of Certified Accountants”.

It aims at advancing the profession of accounting, auditing and other related disciplines at the global level. IASCA also aims at maintaining the professional independence of accountants and their protection, as well as the application of professional supervisory measures as a way to elevate the professions of accounting and auditing.