Quality Enhancement Project of Accounting Information Systems Launched at Palestine Technical University – Kadoorie
11 Mar 2014 RAMALLAH ---- March 11, 2014 ---- In cooperation with Talal Abu-Ghazaleh & Co. International (TAGI) and funded by the World Bank, the Quality enhancement Program for Accounting Information Systems was recently launched at the Palestine Technical University – Kadoorie.The launch was organized in the presence of Professor Dr. Marwan Awartani, president of Palestine Technical University – Kadoorie, Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization (TAG-Org) Regional Director in Palestine Mr. Jamal Melhem, Dr. Ihab Qubbaj, dean of the Faculty of Economics, Business & Management and Mr. Riyad Abu Shehadeh, director of the Department of Inspection and Supervision at the Palestine Monetary Authority, in addition to a host of faculty members at the University, and academics from other Palestinian universities, we well as students university students.
In his opening remarks, Professor Awartani, stressed on the program’s significance in improving the quality of Accounting Information Systems at Palestine Technical University – Kadoorie, as it is considered a paradigm shift in teaching and learning methods, far from the traditional.
Dr. Awartani stated that the program’s aspired goal is to prepare the University students to better encounter life's challenges, seize available opportunities, and quickly prepare them to professional life.
For his part, Mr. Melhem highly commended the policies and strategy of the Palestine Technical University – Kadoorie, and its forward-looking aspirations to improve its educational mission. He referred to Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization's contribution to this process, and the training sessions which the Organization has held for academics at the University, in addition to the applied training given to students, that was conducted in offices specializing in accounting and other related fields.
Additionally, Mr. Melhem discussed the importance of knowledge, and of keeping up with current developments for the sake of international competitiveness, and called upon the students to compete in the global labor market, and in his closing remarks, Mr. Melhem expressed hopes to broaden the horizons of cooperation in the future.
Following these remarks, Dr. Qubbaj pointed out the extent to which academic institutions need to keep up with new practical developments and information, and to recognize the needs of the local, regional, and global labor markets. Likewise, Dr. Qubbaj affirmed the importance of collaboration between academic institutions and the private sector, saying that this interactive relationship is necessary for intellectual and scientific development, for employing new graduates, and for benefitting from the practical experience of the labor market.
At the end of the opening ceremony, Engineer Hasam Qasrawi, head of the Department of Studies and Programs at the University, gave a brief about the program, its goals, and aspired results.
On the sideline of the program’s launch, a cooperation agreement was signed between the University represented by its president, Dr. Marwan Awartani, and the Palestinian Association of Certified Public Accountants and represented by Mr. Jamal Melhem.
Following the program’s launch, a workshop was held to evaluate the special requirements of the program.
Dr. Abdul Fattah Al Sartawi, from the faculty of Economics, Business & Administration presented the program’s syllabus of the Accounting Information Systems.
Meanwhile, Melhem spoke about training students in the AIS program, in cooperation with Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization and the Knowledge Center.
Hasam Qasrawi, manager of the project, gave introductory remarks on studying requirements, and Dr. Mo'z Abu Alia tackled the international standards for adopting accounting programs.
At the end of the workshop, Mr. Melhem underlined the need to bridge the gap between the private sector and higher education.
It is worth mentioning that an Abu-Ghazaleh Knowledge Center will be established at the University.