EPDF Organizes "A Vision for Jordan's Desired Future in 2022" Seminar
03 Mar 2014 AMMAN----- March 3, 2014 ------ The Economic Policy Development Forum (EPDF) organized a seminar to discuss the need for a strategic economic plan entitled “A Vision for Jordan's Desired Future in 2022” at Talal Abu- Ghazaleh Knowledge Forum headed by HE Senator Dr. Jawad Anani.The session was chaired by HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh and with the presence and participation of members of the Forum, government representatives, MPs and experts in economy and business fields. A complete presentation was given addressing the current situation of the national economy covering all aspects.
Dr. Anani started the session by stating that Jordan is in need for a strategic plan in order to deal with the changes the region are facing from the unrest in Syria and the approach to peaceful solution in Palestine and the quest to build a gas and oil pipeline from Basra to Aqaba.
He said that in 2013 the national economy did not achieve the desired growth, and it only grew by 1.5%. He added that it is essential to look forward to the future and to get over the past mismanagement of the main resources of the country. Dr. Anani mentioned that the 330 thousands students who are currently studying in universities along with the high unemployment rate of 12% pose a major challenge to employment. He stressed on the necessity to support creative people and to open opportunities for them.
Dr. Anani expressed that Jordan is in need for its productive people and for a complete strategic plan until 2022 that provide solutions to the challenges in the fields of energy, water, education, unemployment, investment and governorates development. The session was very engaging for all participants and the following points were agreed upon:
1- Provision of energy at reasonable cost with different solutions;
2- Knowledge based national economy that facilitates e-commerce, with focus on services;
3- A balance budget free of deficit or loans, achieved through productivity, cost effective management and wise financial management;
4- Knowledge based educational system that graduates students able to compete in international markets;
5- Smart government that integrally provides best services;
6- People are equal before laws and legislation;
7- Productive and creative society that can make wealth by having knowledge, and consumes from its own production;
8- A country with good institutions and good citizens;
9- A trusted government that care for its citizens;
10- A society that uses its full capacity with the engagement of men and women ;
11- A developed country where all citizens enjoy equally a high standard of life;
12- Sustainable security for all through supporting and loving the King and country.
Attendees requested the Chairman of the Forum to form a team under his chairmanship to come up with the desired future vision for Jordan in 2022. This vision will be submitted to His Majesty King Abdullah II in order to decide what he sees better for Jordan.