During the career awareness fair

30 Oct 2010

Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Cambridge for IT Skills Center Sign Two Training Agreements

AMMAN --- October 31, 2010 --- The Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Cambridge for Information Technology Skills Center (TAGCAITC) signed two training agreements with Jordan Hashemite Fund for Human Development (JOHUD) and Jordan Career Education Foundation (JCEF) on October 21, 2010 in the presence of Mr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, chairman and CEO of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization (TAG-Org), USAID Administrator's Special Assistant for the Middle East Mr. George Laudato, JOHUD Deputy Executive Director Ms. Salma Ateyya and JCEF Jordan Director Ms. Rana Al-Turk. During the career awareness fair

The signing ceremony, which was held at the Greater Amman Municipality Activities Complex, came on the sideline of the career awareness fair, which was organized by the International Youth Foundation (IYF) in cooperation of the Ministry of Social development under the patronage of Minister of Social Development HE Ms. Hala Lattouf.

Accordingly, the agreements were signed by Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Cambridge for IT Skills Center Executive Director Mr. Bassam Abu-Ghazaleh, JOHUD Deputy Executive Director Ms. Salma Ateyya and JCEF CEO Ms. Mayyada Abu-Jaber.

“Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Cambridge for IT Skills Center aims at providing this specific group of youth with the required information technology skills to become more qualified individuals and ultimately raise their potentials to find job opportunities,” Mr. Bassam Abu-Ghazaleh said.

The first agreement signed with JOHUD stipulates the training on the TAG-IT Skills program within the “Youth for Action” program of 600 young males and females aged between 15 – 24 in the cities of Maan and Rusaifah.

From her part, Ms. Ateyya commented: “the agreement also aims at empowering the targeted participants and enhancing their participation in the local communities by providing them with the required training to increase their chances in securing profitable and sustainable job opportunities.”During the career awareness fair

While according to the second agreement signed with Jordan Career Education Foundation, Ms. Abu-Jaber stated “900 young males and females will get the TAG-IT Skills program at the same age category (15 – 24) in Al Nuzha and Khreibt Al Souq areas in East Amman in addition to Al Hayy Al-Shamali and Hay Al Rukman areas in Irbid Governorate.”

Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Cambridge for IT Skills Center

Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Cambridge Information Technology Training Center (TAG Cambridge IT) was established in 2001 after a comprehensive agreement signed between Talal Abu-Ghazaleh E-Training and Cambridge International Examinations (CIE) -University of Cambridge.

This cooperation aims at delivering IT training courses online and other learning resources. Today, International diploma in IT skills is proud to have a presence through 20 locations in 12 different Arab countries where there are more than 70 accredited centers with plans to cover more in the near future.

Jordan Hashemite Fund for Human Development (JOHUD)

JOHUD is a major force for sustainable human development. With over 450 staff, the majority working in the CDC network, JOHUD has the human resource capacities to work in most fields of development to promote social, economic, cultural, environmental, and technological empowerment. JOHUD draws also on the resource of a volunteer network of some 4,000 women, youth and men, and coordinates their operations through association with some 500 local CBOs, jamaiyyas, local committees and other key stakeholders.

JOHUD promotes a holistic approach - that recognizes the need for multiple interventions. Our major focus is on the human element - we place considerable emphasis on capacity building for individuals and organizations so that they are better able to deliver goods and services that empower the poor and vulnerable.

Jordan Career Education Foundation

JCEF is a non-profit organization established in Jordan in 2006. The JCEF is an affiliate of the Education For Employment Foundation (EFE) a Washington-based non-profit organization. The foundation is dedicated to training unemployed, economically disadvantaged youth, ages 18 to 24, and placing them in guaranteed jobs.
