Abu-Ghazaleh Announces the Completion of Registration and Licensing Procedures for China-Arab Forum for Business and Culture
29 Jan 2014 AMMAN----January 29, 2014----- The registration and licensing procedures for China-Arab Forum for Business and Culture have been completed and the Forum will start its activities immediately at its headquarters at Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Knowledge Forum.HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh who launched the initiative and one of the founders stated that the Forum will work according to its bylaws regarding activities, programs and projects to achieve the following:
To strengthen friendship and understanding between the peoples of the Arab countries and the People's Republic of China to encourage visits and exchange of ideas, information and knowledge of cultural and commercial relations between the two peoples
To develop trade and business opportunities in the Arab countries with Chinese partners and to build bridges of dialogue and cultural exchange between China and the Arab world
To organize conferences, lectures, seminars and roundtables regarding general Arab and Chinese public issues especially related to business
To hold training courses to businessmen and Arab students specialized in the Chinese culture and language and business opportunities in China
To establish research centers and issue publications dealing with China-Arab affairs to support scholars, businessmen and members of the Forum
To encourage the study of Chinese language, culture, heritage and arts and highlight the Chinese advances in the fields of science and Technology
To encourage visits of Chinese businessmen and students to the Arab world
To focus on future studies of Orientalism of the Arab countries and their affairs, especially with regard to the relationship with China on the international level
HE Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh said that the Forum will present its services to citizens alike and on a voluntary basis, without aiming to gain or share any profits or achieve any benefit to any of its members or any specific person either directly or indirectly, away from any political goals within the scope of the work and activities of political parties or achieve sectarian goals.
The foundation contract was signed by the following Excellencies:
Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, Hamdi Tabaa, Kamal Barham, Michel Sayegh, Maha Al Khateeb, Nasser Al-Lawzi, Ayman Awdeh, Hasan Abu Nemeh, Issam Bdeir, Rowaida Maaytah, Hazem Al Naser, Rateb Al Wazani, Khaled Al-Irani, Ameen Mahmoud and Riyad Al-Saifi.