Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization Adopts a Strategic Plan to Develop its Work and Services by 2022

23 Jan 2014 We have marked the achievement of our developmental and innovative goals in parallel with the 50th anniversary of TAG-Org’s foundation in 2022- HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh

AMMAN------ January 23, 2014 ------- Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization (TAG-Org), the global organization for professional services and education, held a two-day workshop entitled (TAG-Org 2022 – Improvement, Reformation, Development) under the chairmanship of HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh and with the participation of the directors and heads of departments from all over the 80 offices around the world.

Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh stressed on the importance of this workshop to deliver a higher quality performance in all sorts of activities and services, to further support TAG-Org’s current transition towards being a “Digital Knowledge-Based Organization."

He said: “We have marked the achievement of our developmental and innovative goals in parallel with the 50th anniversary of TAG-Org’s foundation in 2022."

Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh encouraged all participants to enhance their professional and cognitive capabilities by keeping in pace with the latest updates in the world of Information and Communication Technology, in order to walk hand in hand towards the digital transition that our world of business is heading towards.

He added: "Therefore, we should execute all plans and programs based on how to build capacities, qualify and train new employees, and each of TAG-Org’s offices should also develop a comprehensive strategic plan up to the year of 2022."

In realization of this vision, participants were divided into teams based on their specialties, and their deliberations resulted in setting work goals which they have discussed in addition to the results and recommendations reached by the closing session.

Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh declared that among the most important strategic programs set for 2022, is the geographical expansion, which is currently being enacted through opening new offices in Africa, Latin America, Asia and Europe so TAG-Org would have 100 offices worldwide.

Founded in 1972, TAG-Org is an international professional services group, operating out of its 80 offices and 180 representative offices around the world. TAG-Org, is considered the largest global organization of the professional services organizations covering the following: Accounting; External Audit; Internal Audit; Corporate Governance; Taxation; Educational Consultancy; Economic and Strategic studies; Management Advisory Services; Professional and Technical Training; Technology Transfer Project Management; Real Estate Management; Investors and Business Advisory Services; Human Resources and Recruitment Services; E-Government; E-Commerce; E-Education; IT and Security Audit; Webmastering and Web Design; Professional Interpretation and Translation; Website Arabization: Domain Names Registration; ICT Strategic Planning; ERP Consulting Services; IT and Internet Skills Training and Examinations; Intellectual Property News Agency; IP Business and Asset Valuation and Branding Services; IP Registration and Protection; Intellectual Property Renewals; IPR Protection and Management; Legal Services (Solicitors and Attorneys); and Public Offering.