UN-GAID MDG eNabler Receives Strong International Support
07 Sep 2010
I have worked ceaselessly with the UN-GAID community and through worldwide consultations to build this unique and innovative instrument as a powerful resource for enabling governments of developing countries to take charge of their own development by using ICT – Mr. Abu-Ghazaleh
NEW YORK--- September 7, 2010 ---An international meeting held at UN Headquarters on September 2, 2010 concluded by endorsing the timely and innovative initiative of UN-GAID setting up a new MDG eNabler designed to help advance the achievements of the MDGs by 2015.
Some 145 senior government officials, business executives, ICT experts, UN agency representatives, academics and civil society leaders from 44 countries gathered in New York to review and assess the recently developed MDG eNabler platform and hailed its many innovative components - an ICT solutions Matrix, a Strategic Planner, a Portal of Portals, Tools for Simulations and Games and a Compendium of Excellence - as a “one-stop-shop” for policy-makers, planners, project managers and development practitioners to draw upon best practice and lessons learned and to use the Strategic Planner and other tools for developing and implementing their national strategies and programmes.
UN-GAID Chairman, Mr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, noted that there was universal support for the initiative and important offers were made by governments and private corporations, academia and civil society to assist in the further development of the eNabler as a strategic instrument for bringing ICT in the service of the MGDs.
“I have worked ceaselessly with the UN-GAID community and through worldwide consultations to build this unique and innovative instrument as a powerful resource for enabling governments of developing countries to take charge of their own development by using ICT for access to vital information on best practice, finding ICT solutions and applications for their health, educational and development needs and planning and implementing their programs and projects in a cost effective and efficient manner,” Mr. Abu-Ghazaleh said.
“We fully realize that despite the progress that has been made over the past few months and all the inputs that have been received from around the world, this is still work in progress. That is why we are here today. We need your insights, your guidance, your inputs and your sustained attention and participation to make this ambitious project a global resource for countries and people who need it most,” Mr. Abu-Ghazaleh added.
Cheick Sidi Diarra, special advisor for Africa and high-representative for the Least Developed Countries, welcomed the initiative as it would help especially those countries that are lagging behind in achieving the MDGs to bridge the information gap and improve lives of their people in a meaningful manner.
Bahrain and Brazil offered to co-host the MDG eNabler and Bahrain indicated that it will set up a capacity-building and advisory center for Africa and other least developed countries to support the implementation of the eNabler. Microsoft Corporation offered its full technological, marketing and logistical support as the eNabler moves into operation in the coming months.
“I count on you to join us in a positive and constructive spirit to come up with the most viable and effective solutions that can move us forward. I urge, in particular, our colleagues from the United Nations agencies who have vast knowledge and experience in the key MDG areas to help lead the way and set the pace for our work. The time is short and our task is great. But we must seize the moment and succeed because we cannot afford to fail,” Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh concluded.
The meeting decided to set up an Advisory Committee, coordinators for each of the MDGs sectors and regional nodes to manage and develop the eNabler in all regions. It also decided to make this tool available in as many languages as possible in a user-friendly, simple and accessible manner.
The eNabler will be presented at a High-level Breakfast on September 21, 2010 in conjunction with the MDGs Summit. It is expected to go live on the web by March next year.