Abu-Ghazaleh Heads Preparatory Meeting for the Presentation of the MDG eCenter in New York
29 Aug 2010
Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh will present the concept of the Millennium Development Goals Electronic Center (MDG eCenter): environment, mission, objectives, status of development, and timetable for finalization of the core components
NEW YORK------August 29, 2010----- Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, chairman of the UN Global Alliance for ICT and Development (GAID) will be heading the preparatory meeting on the Millennium Development Goals which will be held September 1-2 at the United Nations headquarters in New York.
The meeting will be attended by experts from around the world representing all main stakeholders in the international community, governments and private sectors in addition to universities, international organizations, United Nations organizations and civil society institutions.
Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh will present the concept of the Millennium Development Goals Electronic Center (MDG eCenter): environment, mission, objectives, status of development and timetable for finalization of the core components.
The principal objective of the PrepCom meeting is to finalize, through an interactive discussion and exchange of ideas and suggestions among high-level representatives of all relevant stakeholders, the design and features of the eCenter.
The meeting is organized in preparation for a presentation of the center to the Member States in the context of the High-level Plenary Meeting of the General Assembly on September 21 headed by UN General Secretary Mr. Ban Ki-moon.
At the Preparatory meeting, participants also intend to set up several thematic Task Forces led by the relevant entities of the United Nations system to monitor, review and develop the MDG eCenter in their respective areas of responsibility.
Experts will deliver a presentation of the Matrix of ICT Solutions for MDGs Advancement: concept, proposed architecture, population and governance principles and procedures, current status of inputs in addition to a video presentation of the concept and objectives of the Strategic Planner.