Jubilee School and Talal Abu-Ghazaleh University Sign MoU
08 Jan 2014Dr. Abu Ghazaleh: The agreement supports change towards the future
Dr. Badran: An opportunity to grow creativity for inventors and learners
AMMAN-------January 8, 2014------ Talal Abu-Ghazaleh University (TAGI-UNI), the gateway to the world’s best education and Jubilee School signed a memorandum of understanding in the fields of training, consultancy, mutual awareness and youth creativity and innovation in a special ceremony held at Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Knowledge Forum.

Mr. Tareq Hammad, executive director at Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization and Ms. Suha Jua’aneh, School's principal signed the MoU in the presence of HE Dr. Adnan Badran and HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh and a host of officials from both sides including Ms. Hana’ Shahin, manager of Nour Al-Hussien Foundation.
According to the agreement, TAGI-UNI will offer support to the school’s students to enable them to participate in training and qualifying courses, website and poster design courses as well as the participation of a group of students in a training course for the production of a promotional video and offering students monetary incentives.
While in the field of student inventions and talents, the university will work on supporting the schools in the area of invention’s management in addition to providing them with an agreement form that will reserve its right in the inventions submitted under its name.
In addition, in the field of consultancy, the university will work on offering the necessary technical advice regarding the school’s inventions that were eligible to legal protection, its conditions, procedures and the consequences of actions on these inventions. This will also include consulting regarding registration and outlining parties legally qualified to own the inventions.
Furthermore, the university contributes in providing technical, practical and technological advice for students’ private projects and aiding the school with attracting investors to adopt some of the inventions.
The MoU will also allow students to visit the university’s premises in order to explore and be familiar with the training, educational and professional services. The university also organizes awareness and guidance sessions regarding Intellectual Property and patents for both the students and teachers of the school.
The memorandum further requires the university to take part in the yearly contest for youth creativity and electronic design held by the school through promoting, providing electronic media services, sponsoring the contest’s activities, taking part in the judging process, presenting winners with awards.
In addition cooperation in other fields such as Chinese language and establishing an E-Learning Center as well as the cooperation in the curricula and syllabi of online courses offered by TAGI-UNI.

HE Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh welcomed Dr. Badran and highlighted his role in the government and the educational field especially in leading the school saying:"We require a revolutionary change to shift us to the learning stage in an era built on IT and telecommunications. The School with its efficient management works on the continuous change and that this agreement is only one aspect of the change. There are several advantages for the schools sponsored by HM Queen Noor Al – Hussien and we emphasize that Jubilee School is a gift from the late King Hussein and it is an ongoing project for innovators and outstanding individuals."
Meanwhile, Dr. Badran thanked Dr. Abu Ghazaleh for the initiatives he takes and he stated that they share the same visions towards education and they are both member of the Board of Trustees of the King Hussien Foundation headed by HM queen Noor Al-Hussien saying:" It is a need that grows and develops with the advancement of electronic education and the use of electronic space which lead to a revolution in the teaching and learning media. He further said that Jubilee school is concerned with talent and those who are talented should be offered the opportunity to keep up with this technological and informational revolution."