Tunisia Hosts AROQA and ASREN Meetings

11 Dec 2013  TUNIS---- December 11, 2013---- The Tunisian capital is hosting the 3nd “International Platform on Integrating Arab e-infrastructure in a Global Environment, e-AGE 2013” December 12-13, 2013.
The theme of e-AGE 2013 will focus on Connectivity, Access and Innovation. It is expected that e-AGE 2013 will host more than 200 delegates including ministers, high level representatives of the League of Arab States, UNESCO, European Commission and other international agencies, decision makers, academics, network professionals, researchers, scientists, government officials, enterprises and NGOs.
The Forum will be held in conjunction with the fifth annual meeting of the Arab Organisation for Quality Assurance in Education (AROQA).
The two events will be held under the patronage of His Excellency Dr. Moncef Ben Salem, Tunisian Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, and headed by His Excellency Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh.
The meetings aim at emphasizing on the necessity of establishing education and research networks in the Arab world as well as enhancing cooperation opportunities between the current networks in order to link researchers and academies on one hand, and to provide them with services on the other.  
During AROQA's meeting, there will be a follow up on what was achieved from last year’s programs in order to enhance the quality of education and to establish quality management systems in the educational institutions. Moreover, the topics of discussion of these meetings revolve around the use of technology to build quality systems, their criteria and academic accreditation.
The two-day conferences will be preceded by workshops that address network management systems, e-Infrastructures for Education, Research and Development, and Quality enhancement through internal and external quality assurance. On the sidelines of the conferences, the General Assembly meeting of AROQA will take place to tackle the Organisation’s major developments and accomplishments during the previous year.
In addition, ASREN/EUMEDConnect  annual meeting  will be held.
The E-AGE 2013 will take place in cooperation with the Tunisian Computing Center Al Khwarizmi (CCK), the European Commission, the League of Arab States, Association of Arab Universities, and the international research and education networks in Europe, USA, Africa and Asia.
The Arab Organization for Quality Assurance in Education (AROQA) is an international non-profit independent association established in Belgium in July 2007 with the fundamental objective of raising the quality of higher education in general with a particular focus on the Arab world. AROQA is managed through a board of directors and trustees from experts and academics in several knowledge fields. The board of directors is chaired by HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, and the honorary chairman of AROQA is the General Secretary of the League of Arab States.
ASREN was created as a legal entity in 2011 under the auspices of the League of Arab States and the UN Global Alliance for ICT and Development (GAID) to build and operation sustainable e-Infrastructures across the Arab world. Its official shareholders are national research and education networks from Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, Sudan, and Jordan. Networks from Palestine, Algeria, Somalia are in the process of joining as Shareholders of ASREN.