Held at Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Forum: "Jordan Economic Observatory Discusses Women Empowerment Team Results"
10 Dec 2013 AMMAN------- December 12, 2013-------The Jordan Economic Observatory held a roundtable at Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Forum to discuss the Women Empowerment Team Results report with the participation of the Economic Policy Development Forum members and a host of experts in this field.The roundtable was moderated by HE Dr. Mohammed Abu Hamour and HE Mr. Adnan Abul Ragheb.

HE Ms. Nadia Hashem Al-Aloul, women empowerment team leader, presented a detailed presentation of the report’s contents including a description of the current situation of women in Jordan, women’s journey regarding laws and education, as well as addressing their rights regarding nationality, education and work and economic and family rights. Moreover, it addressed the definition of discrimination against women and the urgent need to stop violence towards them with emphasis on any gaps and finding alternatives and solutions.
Furthermore, the report stressed the need to move from the theoretical stage to the implementation stage through a vision and strategy which includes both short-term and long-term goals while monitoring and evaluating on regular basis and communicating with all related institutions in order to discuss aspects of cooperation about working on the development and empowerment of women. This could be implemented through:
• The appropriate mechanisms to achieve immediate and long-term goals.
• Identifying the implementation priorities along with the responsibilities.
• Distribution of roles and scheduling responsibilities in accordance with a specified time frame.
In addition, the report included the team’s vision which revolves around protecting women’s rights and conserving their dignity while defining their duties in a society surrounded by justice and equal opportunities under the name of law.
It also included a message summed up in protecting women’s rights based on the concepts of democracy and human rights as well as spreading their knowledge, monitoring their circumstances and providing legal advice and assistance for women who need it.
Moreover, the report pointed out that the field implementation of the development plan will be achieved through studies, research, representation, participation and networking as well as implementing a media strategy and connecting and following policies based on negotiation and listening to the other party and respecting their opinion.
The meeting included interventions and inquiries that dealt with all the issues that contribute to supporting women’s rights and empowering them in order to merge them in the society and allow them to have the right influence in order to make a difference towards the better.
It’s worth mentioning that the Jordanian Economic Observatory is one of the Economic Policy Development Forum’s initiatives and it works in a continuous institutional manner. Furthermore, it is an unbiased and independent entity which monitors government’s performance with a professional, transparent and open manner and while cooperating with all parties. It also features experts whose goal is to study the economic policies on the basis of clear and set criteria.
The Observatory also aims to prepare reports for developing Jordanian economic policies for both public and private sectors, providing economic consulting services which envelope preparing specialized research, providing economic advice and guidance in both private and public sectors, evaluating costs, benefits ,economic influence studies and general policies analysis including tax matters and financing governmental programs as well as providing advice regarding development strategies, cash and financial matters management, industrial analysis, evaluating economic competitiveness and reviewing the public sector’s performance.