TAGEPEDIA Calls on the World to Revive Arabic Language on the Internet
06 Oct 2013The Talal Abu-Ghazaleh ENCYCLOPEDIA (TAGEPEDIA), the brainchild of HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, chairman of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization (TAG-Org) is calling on all researchers, Arabic language experts, historians and students to participate in this one-of-a-kind initiative to revive the Arabic language on the Internet
AMMAN -------October 6, 2013--------- The Talal Abu-Ghazaleh ENCYCLOPEDIA (TAGEPEDIA), the brainchild of HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, chairman of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization (TAG-Org) is calling on all researchers, Arabic language experts, historians and students to participate in this one-of-a-kind initiative to revive the Arabic language on the Internet.

Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh stated:"This is a unique chance to be part of this revolution to revive the Arabic language on the Internet. It is the first initiative of its kind that targets Arab academics, scholars and readers, and provides them with general knowledge from an Arabic cultural, historical, and educational perspective."
TAGEPEDIA started approaching major universities in Jordan and across the Arab world to publish their scientific research on different topics to be published on the online Arabic encyclopedia.
"We are aiming for one million articles in Arabic on different fields by the end of the year," Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh added.
TAGEPEDIA aims to ensure the ability to display/share knowledge in the Arab community and to provide efficient access to knowledge in specialized areas of the society. TAGEPEDIA data categorization has been developed in a way to ensure a scientific ontology that specifies a hierarchy of concepts (or classes) to which the user can assign information.
It also aims at founding a free-access database that delivers a broad variety of knowledge in all humanitarian sciences, with the highest standards of quality, integrity, and accuracy. It also gives the chance for readers/users to augment the content through contributing to the Encyclopedia without prejudicing the rights of its original author.
For registration: http://register.tagepedia.org/