Jordan Computer Society Honors GAID Chairman Talal Abu-Ghazaleh
15 Mar 2010 I am really proud of this honor coming from a genuine society like the JCS. I will provide all the effort and knowledge needed to serve my fellow countrymen to develop our societies in all fields - Abu-GhazalehAMMAN---------March 15, 2010---------- The Jordan Computer Society (JCS), a non-profit professional business association, honored on Thursday Mr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, chairman of the Global Alliance for ICT and Development (GAID), for his effective role in developing the ICT sector in the Arab world.
Mr. Abu-Ghazaleh, chairman and CEO of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization (TAG-Org) said "I am really proud of this honor coming from a genuine society like the JCS. I will provide all the effort and knowledge needed to serve my fellow countrymen to develop our societies in all fields."
"We need to join hands in order to take our societies into another level of knowledge," he added.
Meanwhile, Mr. Hussein Kawasmi, JCS vice chairman said," We are proud to present the JCS Shield to Mr. Abu-Ghazaleh, the first Arab to chair the global Information body and we are here to tell him that we are ready to benefit from his experience and wisdom."
Mr. Abu- Ghazaleh was appointed as the Chairman of the Global Alliance for ICT and Development of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA-GAID) to succeed Craig Baret, Intel CEO.
Abu-Ghazaleh received a letter from the Under-Secretary General of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA) HE Sha Zukang inviting him to lead the Alliance, making him the first Arab to head the global Information Society body.
About GAID
The Global Alliance for Information and Communication Technologies and Development (GAID), an initiative approved by the United Nations Secretary-General in 2006, was launched after comprehensive worldwide consultations with governments, the private sector, civil society, the technical and Internet communities and academia.
About Jordan Computer Society
The Jordan Computer Society, established in 1986, is a non-profit professional business association represents both individuals and companies working in the information technology sector in Jordan.