TAG-Org Launches Creative Commons-Jordan
11 Nov 2009 Governmental officials and representatives from various organizations will attend the event held under the patronage of the Jordanian Minister of Justice HE Mr. Ayman OdehAMMAN---- 11 November 2009 ----- Under the patronage of the Jordanian Minister of Justice HE Mr. Ayman Odeh, the Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization (TAG-Org) is poised to launch Creative Commons- Jordan on Nov. 15th 2009 in cooperation with the Creative Commons Organization and the Jordanian Royal Film Commission at Talal Abu-Ghazaleh College of Business.
Representatives from the Creative Commons Organization and a number of officials and delegates from the Ministries of Justice, Higher Education and Industry and Trade, the Jordanian Bar Association and organizations from both the private and public sectors will attend the event.
Several presentations tackling Copyright in the Digital Age, Jordanian Copyright Law, Science Commons and the Arab Region, Legal Issues Relating to Software Development and Product Strategy and Business Development in the Age of Openness will follow the launch.
The Creative Commons Organization is a non-profit organization that aims to increase and support creative works, which can be reused and shared in a free, legal manner. The organization has published a number of licenses which permit authors to designate the rights they wish to preserve and the capabilities bestowed onto others to utilize and develop their work.
The most important of the organization’s goals lie in providing aid to researchers and facilitating their ability to determine whether or not their works are public domain, in addition to developing mechanisms which allow authors to place certain marks on works and digital compositions, which aid internet searchers to identify and retrieve the works placed under these marks.
The Creative Commons project has been implemented in more than 50 countries worldwide, and through TAG-Org; Jordan is the first country to adopt the process of localization of the system and the inclusion of its licenses in the general legal system in 2004, in addition to their redrafting in conformity with Jordanian laws.
The Creative Commons project will be launched officially in November 2009, where all Creative Commons licenses shall be available in the Arabic language.