Abu-Ghazaleh Receives Turkish President's Senior Counselor for the Middle East

07 May 2013

AMMAN---May 7, 2013----HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh received in his office in Amman HE Mr. Arshad Hormozlo, the Turkish President’s Senior Councillor for Middle Eastern Affairs.

Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh commended the friendship ties with Mr. Hormozlo and asked him to convey his greetings to the President of Turkey HE Mr. Abdullah Gül.

He also congratulated Mr. Hormozlo for his appointment as the Secretary General of the Turkish-Arab Dialogue Forum.

“It is our pleasure that a dear friend, HE Hormozlo, is appointed as a Secretary General of the Turkish-Arab Dialogue Forum, which will help further the Arab-Turkish dialogue in all fields, particularly in culture, science, education and economy,” he said.

Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh applauded Turkey's decision to appoint a General Controller for Integrity who has the authority to supervise the implementation of integrity standards and receive complaints from the public on alleged violations of integrity.

Meanwhile, Mr. Hormozolo said that his visit to Jordan is meant to brief Jordanian officials and parliamentarians of the Turkish-Arab Dialogue Forum initiative, for which he “had the privilege of being assigned as its Secretary General”.

“The Forum has been created with a view to strengthen Turkish Arab cooperation and deepen ties between the two nations.”

HE Hormozlo stated: “It is a civil non-governmental activity with founders and members not voicing any official views and not concerned about politics or religion. The Forum brings together those who believe in the power of dialogue as an effective means to get the Turks and Arabs come closer to each other.”

Education was one of the main subjects discussed during the meeting between Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh and Mr. Hormozlo.

Both have agreed that education is the core essence of development and the central pillar of comprehensive changes in all fields. HE Hormozlo was also briefed of the latest achievements of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh University (TAGIUNI) in its pursuit of democratizing education.

Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh also shared HE Hormozlo with the latest partnerships concluded by TAGIUNI with leading international educational institutions for the delivery of world class education. Such examples are Thunderbird School of Global Management, Canisius College, Liverpool University, Walden University, Amity University, Marconi University, Bowling Green University, the British Council, International Training and Development Group, Open Society Foundation, Inlingua Cheltenham, Genashtim Innovative Learning Institute and Pearson Edexcel.

Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh is a member of the Higher Advisory Board of the Bosphore Regional Cooperation Summit. He has recently participated in the third meeting held under the auspices of the Turkish President HE Abdullah Gül and in the presence of government officials and businessmen from 49 countries in the Middle East, North Africa, the GCC countries, Turkey and the Balkans.

During his visit to Jordan, Mr. Hormozlo will deliver several lectures at the University of Jordan and other institutions. He will also meet with senior officials in Jordan and discuss the Arab-Turkish relations with special focus on the Middle East.