Abu-Ghazaleh to Tackle Online Education at the Going Global 2013 Conference in Dubai
03 Mar 2013Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh will be joined in the first session by Dr. Jo Beall, Director Education and Society, British Council, Dr. Wafi Dawood, Chief of Institutional Development, Knowledge and Human Development Authority, Government of Dubai, Ms. Sally Dicketts, Principal, Oxford and Cherwell Valley College, United Kingdom and Dr. Mohammed Fathy Saoud, President of Qatar Foundation
DUBAI-----March 3, 2013------ HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, chairman of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization (TAG-Org) and president of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh University (TAGIUNI) will tackle Online Education at the Going Global 2013 conference, part of the British Council’s Going Global series held in Dubai March 4-6, 2013 at the Dubai World Trade Centre.
The Going Global 2013 conference, themed ‘Global education: Knowledge-based economies from 21st century nations’, will examine the extent to which knowledge economies are internationalized and the impact it will have on the wealth, prosperity and well-being of nations, communities and cultures.
Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh will be joined in the first session by Dr. Jo Beall, Director Education and Society, British Council, Dr. Wafi Dawood, Chief of Institutional Development, Knowledge and Human Development Authority, Government of Dubai, Ms. Sally Dicketts, Principal, Oxford and Cherwell Valley College, United Kingdom and Dr. Mohammed Fathy Saoud, President of Qatar Foundation.
The two-day event is expected to attract educators, academics, policy makers and business leaders to discuss the future of international education and explore challenges and opportunities for research and tertiary systems in creating knowledge-based economies.